
During the summer season where it is scorching hot in almost all cities in the Philippines, Baguio, the city of pines remains cool and one of the refuges of those who do not want to experience excessive sweating due to the warm season of the country. The city of Baguio is 1,500 meters above sea level. Its high altitude gives the city the cold weather almost all throughout the year. Dubbed as the “summer capital” of the Philippines, the city has a fascination and vital tourist and local destination with its historical, scenic attractions and cultural heritage. Most local and tourist visitors visit the city as early as March. They do not mind the 6-hour trek to the zigzagging Kennon road just to reach this magnificent place. You can actually smell the sweet scent of the pines and the flowers even if you are miles away from the city.

The City of Pines is located in the southern part of the Cordillera region and its hills and valleys are all covered with pines. The design of the city was created by Daniel Burnham during the American regime. There are different tourist attractions that you can see in Baguio. The Mansion house, Camp John Hay and the Burnham Park are just of these scenic places that both local and foreign visitors will surely love. If you want to see more in this region, the Banaue Rice Terraces is not far from the city. The rice terraces which was built by the Ifugaos (native people in the area) with their own hands is named as “The Stairways to the Sky” and one of the wonders of the world. Another place that is a must see is the Bridal Veil Waterfalls which is located in Kennon Road is very fascinating.

On the other hand, there are also lots of natives that you can see in Baguio city and if you want to mingle with them, you can join them in dancing their tribal dance. Enjoy the place, the culture and the people of the beautiful Baguio.