The Hindu Predictive Astrology

The Hindu Predictive Astrology is an ancient subject solely developed by the Hindu Sages following the Dictums obtained from the Gods and the Wise Sages in the ancient past. It requires Astronomical data (available from the help of "Panchangas" or "Panjikas") to find the Longitudinal Details of the Sun and the Planets of any birth moment (sometimes called as epoch) of any native in the Zodiac or "RAASI CHAKRA" at first. From these details, a tabular preparation of data set, containing the Exact Location of the Sun and Planets in the Zodiac is obtained (sometimes called as "Raasi Positions" of the Sun and the Other Planets). For that Epoch, A Table of Houses is also Prepared considering the First House as "LAGNA" and the last one (i.e. the Twelfth one) as "VYAAYA". After then, the Planetary Lord(s) of the Constellations (occupied by the Sun and the Planets and the Houses starting from the first house or "Lagna") are also determined. From the position of the Moon in the Zodiac, the remaining (also referred as "BHOGYA")  Balance Dasa - Antardasa - Pratyantardasa table from the first day of life of the native to the end of his life (more or less the last BHOGYA Dasa) is also determined. After this the, the intrinsic power of the Planets including the Sun at any Epoch is determined (called as "Varga Vichaara"). Thus the minimum mathematical background of the Horoscope Casting for any specific Epoch becomes over. Now, depending on the determinant of any House of the Horoscope and the prevailing Dasa - Antardasa - Pratyantardasa table, prediction(s) about the native relating to that particular House my be offered. There exists different methods to fine tune the prediction offerable.