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Event Horizon (1997)
Review by Glenn Burgess
But what is an Event Horizon?
Well, it's a bit around a black hole which, when passed, does not allow anything to escape, including light. So now you know.
I've never seen a film quite like this one. And it's brilliant. Laurence Fishbourne and his rescue team are sent to recover the Event Horizon, an experimental ship that disappeared seven years ago when it tried to break the light barrier by creating a black hole. Where it's been all this time no one knows...
The film plays out like a standard haunted-house kind of story but soon things start to escalate, and the team report seeing more and more hallucinations. Around this point, the film is in grave danger of becoming plain silly, but manages to very narrowly suspend the viewers' disbelief. The cast all do an excellent job, even if they do all seem a bit like the crew of the Nostromo in Alien. The dialogue starts off a little po-faced and stunted, but as soon as the 'funky spaceman' gets some lines things start to take off.
The effects are, in places, mind blowing, and the sensation of mystery is never really lost in the film, although you could just as easily say that it's down to bad scriptwriting, as not everything is fully explained in the film. The music is a nice change from the usual orchestral sounds we get in SF, replaced instead with the excellent Prodigy and similar sounding pieces. On a final note, only go and see this film if extreme amounts of blood and violence doesn't bother you. It's probably not as bad as you think, but it's certainly bad enough. I've known grown men to have trouble sleeping after seeing it.

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