Batman Forever
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Batman Forever (1995)
Review by Glenn Burgess
What can I say? The film that rescued that Bat-franchise from the low of Batman Returns, this is an excellent outing for the Dark Knight. Well, he's not so dark in this film, but still just as screwed-up. Val Kilmer plays Bruce Wayne as though he's been sedated, at least at the start of the film, which makes it a little hard to get into, but once that old Bat-music starts doing it's orchestral thing, and the Bat starts doing stunts, and the bad guys start being really bad, the fim picks up speed. The plot, while nothing special, is played with so much enthusiasm and gusto, you're with it all the way. The special FX are convincing and cool, and the Batmobile is trouser-rendingly gorgeous. The baddies dominate their scenes as usual, Jim Carrey reprising the role he plays in everything, as a mad person. Excellent.

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