Men In Black
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Men In Black (1997)
Review by Glenn Burgess
Name any science fiction comendy. Not a spoof, a comedy. None spring to my mind, but I'm sure there must be a couple. Certainly, it doesn't happen very often, which is why this film is such an event. Unfortunately, it doesn't quite cut the mustard. The premise is cool: guys in cool suits go around policing alien activity on earth. Big cars, sick guns. Nice. Unfortunately, even the combined talents of Smith and Jones can't quite propel this movie with all the gusto it really needs. Like a bad episode of Red Dwarf: too much talking, not enough gags. Having said that, there are some excellent belly laughs dotted around, and some cool moments which make it definately worth the movie fee. Will Smith just plays himself, which is fine, and Tommy Lee Jones has got the deadpan look to go with his one-liners down to a tee. In summary, a great comedy, but could do better. Worth seeing, alright?

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