Total Recall
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Total Recall (1990)
Review by Glenn Burgess
A fun piece of flotsam, this sci-fi vehicle for Arnie his a slim plot, but there are so many twists and turns, you're not really bothered. All the main plot points focus on who Arnie really is. Is he a good guy who's had his mind wiped, or a bad guy who's on an undercover mission? The action is almost non-stop, and the special effects actually quite impressive. Although, towards the end it gets a little silly when we see Arnie and his chick choking in the thin atmosphere of Mars, almost ready to explode, and then suddenly alright again. Also, Arnie once again suffers from the 'dodgy prosthetic head' syndrome, in that the Special FX head made to look like his eyes were bulging when he was choking, is crap. Worse, in fact, than the one in The Terminator.

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