Batman and Robin
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Batman and Robin (1997)
Review by Glenn Burgess
Well, all the ingredients are there for a top film. The same team that made the excellent Batman Forever, another star-studded cast. So why is this film so crap? It doesn't make sense. The sky-surfing sequence at the start could have been fantastic, but somehow it just looks artificial. Not unrealistic, just a little bland. The action sequences are simple by-the-numbers jobs, when compared to Batman Forever's sequences, such as the Batmobile climbing up the side of a skyscraper. And who chose Schwarzenegger as a bad guy? Does no one realise he can't act? Has no one noticed this tiny flaw? In all the previous Bat-films, the baddies have been played by Hollywood's finest: Jack Nicholson, Danny DeVito (a good actor given a crap character), Michelle Pfieffer, Tommy Lee Jones, Jim Carrey, and in this film Uma Thurman. They're all accomplished actors. So where does Arnie fit in? A meathead who's done a lot of (excellent) action films somehow doesn't seem to fit the bill here. Thurman saves this film, being really quite excellent and pleasingly nasty. Clooney is a little to cool to be a Batman, chafing slightly against the previous interpretations, but it doesn't spoil your enjoyment of the film, because you probably won't. Not the best of Bat-films by any means, but better then Batman Returns.
Second Opinion
Review by Michael Thomas
Another film, another actor for Batman. George Cloony's portrayal of Batman is adequate but uninspiring, a bit like the film which is very unoriginal and predictable. The Batman series has always relied on special effects to carry a formula plot and, to be fair, often worked. The problem is, by the time the fourth film comes round, there's a definate feeling of deja vu, seen it all before. Not a bad film by any means, just another re-hash of the Batman licence.

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