Subject: MST3K: The Movie original ending script Date: Fri, 07 Mar 1997 15:14:29 -0500 From: "Mr. Me" Organization: Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, U.S.A. Newsgroups: i noticed that there were some corrections to my last post, so here, to the best of my knowledge, is the script to the original ending to Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie. Hope you guys enjoy this more than I did posting this. BTW, I got my first job! Not that any of you would really care, but who cares? And I don't believe that I've made a proper intro to everyone. My names "Steve!" & that's what I'll be changing my posting name to from "Mr.Me". please tolerate me & enjoy my presence. I am usually "Steve" or "Steve1" on Sci-Fi chat. I am 14 years old & have approximately 100 MST3K episodes. I have been a fan since KTMA ( I saw it in Minneapolis on a family reunion trip when I was 6), but I never got the addy for the info club until last year. Anyway, enjoy! Steve! MSTie #59,247 Original Ending NOTE: * means that the audience was too loud to hear what was going on MIKE Come on you guys, I've got a plan! (All leave theater; scene of Dr. F on the Hexfield) DR.F Hahahaha! Bow down before me, Nelson! Bow dow- Where the heck is he? (Tom Servo enters the bridge) SERVO Uh, Mike's just freshening up before he comes in & bows down before you, so I was wondering if you could tell me when it became apparent just how great you were going to be! DR.F Ah, good question. Well, I remember it was in grade school; & at that time, it wasn't uncommon to recieve one dozen to two dozen beatings a day. (Scene changes to Mike pushing the Interoceter down the hall with Crow sitting on it with an ant farm & Gypsy on the front wiht a viking crown on) DR. F * SERVO You think so? Because I've always wanted to be a festering soul like yours. DR.F Ah, yes, yes. Not nearly as great, of course. Oh, I'm just going to say it - join me, Servo, & together, we can rule the world! SERVO (talking management) (Mike & the rest come in with the Interocter while Tom Servo & Dr. Forrester talk about taking over the world) MIKE Okay, Gypsy, I'm going to need a section of your tube. GYPSY Okay. DR.F (talking management) Well, first you'll need a contractor to help you rule the world, & then some sort of- (cuts off Dr. Forrester as Mike plugs in a big section of tube into the Interoceter 7 the other end into the "Hexfield View Screen IN" socket as Tom 7 Dr. F continue; Crow takes his antfarm & puts it on the Interoceter) CROW (talking to the ant) Goodbye, Debbie. I'm sorry I burnt all your friends! MIKE Okay. It's time to turn this baby on... (Interoceter sound; Interoceter screen lights up as Dr.F talks with Servo-still) DR.F Well worry about that after we see how you do. SERVO Well, do I have to pick up a 1099? (Interoceter screen is fogging up) GYPSY Oh... oh my... (Scrotor appears on the Interoceter screen) SCROTOR Hey, everybody! I'm Interoceter-ized! (Mike turns a knob & sends Scrotor to Deep 13) DR.F (Scrotor walks up behind Dr.Forrester) Ah, Nelson! Care to bow down before me yet? SCROTOR Excuse me- (Dr. F glances at Scrotor & turns back to Mike & the bots) DR.F Don't bother just yet. I'd like a moment to savor- (Scrotor grabes Dr. Forrester & strangles him) EVERYONE Allright, Scrotor! SCROTOR Well, I can't hang around here forever! Eli Morris, here I come! EVERYONE Bye, Scrotor! MIKE Well, that takes care of Forrester for the time being. You okay, Gypsy? GYPSY Yeah! MIKE Tom? SERVO You bet! MIKE Crow? Where's Crow? (Crow is back in his trench with the chainsaw from Tom's room; tries to saw through the SOL CROW (singing) It's a long way to Tipperareee- (Sparking & shorting out sound) CROW Uh-oh. (Short-out sound; screen turns blank)