Part 2 Satellite Of Love Load Pan Bay Mulder groaned inwardly as he sat up and tried to figure out where he was. The room appeared to be geodesically designed, though what it was built for wasn’t immediately apparent. There were boxes and crates everywhere, so Mulder guessed it was some kind of storage room. “Oh MAN.” Beside him, Scully was slowly coming to. “Mulder?” “Yeah?” “Where are we?” “I have absolutely no idea. Try asking them.” He pointed to the two robots, who were off in a corner, apparently having an argument. “NO WAY Crow, I’m telling you, Malcolm MacDowell was never married to Mary-- Yes?” “Would you mind telling us what’s going on?” “Oh, easy- you guys were getting too close to discovering Dr. Forrester’s plan to take over the world, so he sent you up here to the Satellite Of Love to keep you from exposing his evil experiments. Anything else you need to know?” Mulder suddenly felt the need to lie back down. “Yeah- who are you?” asked Scully. “I’m Tom Servo,” replied the red robot, “but everyone calls me Servo. And this here’s Crow. He’s kind of a twerp.” added the robot under his breath. “HEY!!!” protested Crow. “Well anyway, we’re supposed to take you guys up to the bridge, so you better follow us. By the way, you’ll need these.” He indicated two hangars hanging on the wall. “A jumpsuit?” “Satellite dress code. You can change on the way.” --------------------------------------------------- Satellite Of Love Corridor 15 “Well, how do I look?” asked Mulder, emerging from the restroom fully outfitted in a black jumpsuit. Scully, wearing a similar purple jumpsuit, could hardly contain her laughter. "It’s....interesting.” "You don’t exactly look like a fashion model yourself.” "Come on, you guys,” Servo interrupted, “we’re almost there.” "It’s a good look on you, Mulder.” Scully couldn’t resist teasing. "So what do you here?” Mulder asked Crow, hastily changing the subject. "Well, we mostly watch movies. I better let Mike explain.” A hexagonal door swooshed open, revealing a large room, with the same geodesic design as the storage room. A rather attractive young man was standing at a desk in the center of the room, conversing with a large purple robot. “So we’re fine on supplies, then?” “Mike, the new guys are here!” yelled Crow. The young man turned to face them and introduced himself. “Hi. I’m Mike, and this is Gypsy.” He pointed to the purple robot. “Nice to meet you. I’m Fox Mulder and this is my partner Dana Scully.” There was a long moment of silence. It was followed by an even longer moment where no one could think of anything to say. Mulder finally spoke up. “So why exactly are you here?” “Well, it’s kind of a long story....” ------------------------------END PART TWO------------------------------