MSTies United

Show the entire web community that you're a MST3K fan, and darn proud of it! Stand up to those goons at the Sci-Fi Channel and show them that they've just cancelled the greatest show on television! Show people you don't even know that you like to put goofy ribbons on your page! Show me the money! Show me the money!

Uh, sorry. Where was I?

Just save the following image (inspired by Mike and Joel's jumpsuit colors) to your server and add it to your own little web space (where applicable):

MSTies United

And link it back to this page at . And if you have a little extra time on your hands send me an e-mail with your URL and I'll add a link to your page!

Sites that have been ribbonized:
The Hexfield Viewscreen
MSTie Central
MST3K and Joel Hodgson Tribute Page
tvsgypsy's Mystery Science Theater 3000
Stuck in the Theater!
Lunar Servo

(Button) Push the button, Frank

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