Subject: MST3K: The Movie Storm Shelter Sequence Script Date: Thu, 06 Mar 1997 20:39:36 -0500 From: "Mr. Me" Organization: Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, U.S.A. Newsgroups: Here it is. A labor of love. It took 2 precious hours to do this, but I was home sick, so who cares. This is the script to the "lost" storm shelter sequence from MST3K: The Movie. I taped the scenes at the con, so here it is & I hope you enjoy it. Just scroll down past my name to get to it. Steve! MSTie #59,247 Storm Shelter Scene NOTE: * means that the audience was too loud to understand what they were saying (Mike, Tom, & Crow are leaving the theater via the hallway by the doors) MIKE (doing Cal Meechum impression) Cal. Cal Meechum. (thumping sound) SERVO The hell? What's that pounding? MIKE I don't know, Tom. It sounds like a meteor shower. (Pounding gets louder; SOL shakes; Mike, Tom & Crow all scream & fall to the ground; outside view of the SOL sees meteors pounding the ship) CROW (lying on the floor) Mike, did you hit the Hubble again? (more meteors hurtling through space; camera backs up to see Gypsy looking through the window on the SOL's bridge; the rest come in) GYPSY Incoming! (Mike & the bots look out the window; Crow blows whistle; has helmate on) CROW * (Mike picks up Crow & runs into the storm shelter;inside, Mike closes the hatch; harmonica plays in the background; camera pans by Gypsy, who sighs, Tom, who's holding a can of corned beef hash, & finally to Crow, who's playing the harmonica) SERVO * MIKE(puts his arms around Tom & Crow) * (SOL shakes; stuff falls; everyone falls over again) TOM (holding up hand) MY HAIR!!! GYPSY (screams & falls over) (shaking stops; Mike & the bots get up; camera raises to a pipe; Servo is crying) MIKE Crow, are you all right?Gypsy? Tom? (pipe springs a leak; all scream; shot of meter that states "AIR/NO AIR"; meter is running towards "NO AIR") GYPSY Mike! We're losing air! Fast! CROW Come on! Who needs air??! MIKE (angrily) I DO!!! Okay, guys. We've gotta get the air that everyone...can go to Grandma's house. (Mike continues babbling & passes out) GYPSY Oh no... SERVO Oh great. Now what do we do?! CROW Panic!!! (Crow & Servo cry like babies) GYPSY Don't worry, Mike. Gypsy's here. We've got to save him! You've got to push that button! SERVO (still crying with his hands on his face) Mike's gonna die & we're never gonna see him again. (Continues crying) GYPSY Crow!! CROW Eh? GYPSY You've got to activate that button! (Crow goes over to push it, but there's a big metal bar there) CROW Oh, perfect. Just what I need. 10 tons of malignton(is that it?-Steve)! (Tom is still crying) CROW (lifting the bar & making whimpering noises) Servo! Get over here & hit this button! (Tom is still crying) CROW Oh, this is all I need! (bolt pops out of Crow's arm) Any time, Servo! GYPSY Servo, Mike needs the air or he'll die! SERVO Oh, what was I thinking?! MIKE!!! I'M COMING!!! (Tom flys across the screen & hits the button head on; air gague goes back to "AIR"; metal bar falls with Servo) GYPSY (putting her mouth over Mike's head) Don't worry, Mike. Gypsy' here. MIKE (wakes up) Gypsy? (Gypsy picks her head up off of Mike's head) SERVO You can count on me, Mike. I saved you. CROW Servo, you cried like Aksana Bayoul! SERVO I did not! MIKE Hey, shh- Listen! GYPSY The stor has passed! (Mike opens the hatch; nature sounds are plentiful; all walk out onto the bridge) MIKE * DR.F (appears on the Hexfield Viewscreen) You're still going to be my test subject. Now if you're done clowning around, get back in the theater & watch the rest of "This Island Earth"! (Door sequence) The End