Common Knowledge of Scouts on Hefry

The Scout Base on Hefry is a small one, but duty here is highly sought after. Although Hefry is a small non-industrial world off the main trade route, it is near the border and occasionally sees both Zhodani and Vargr patrols. Recently the planet was attacked by renegades and Scouts led the pursuit.

The Imperial Interstellar Scout Service (IISS) on Hefry is comprised of the same basic offices as on any base, however the Survey Office which does the local mapping is large with ten full time members, and the Technical Office exists but is un-staffed.

The Detached Duty Office has only two members, Nick Appleton and Ash Strikescar; both are well known to all retired scouts and both can be found more often at The Breakfast Bar and around town than in their office. Nick and Ash also run the Administration Office, although technically it is also un-staffed awaiting a new transfer in from the Regina office.

The Operations Office has six permanent members, all who are very busy running the Base, staffing and running the Maintenance Branch, and staffing the small highly secretive Security Branch. This latter Branch is so secretive that only the Operations Officer and the Base Commander know and talk to its Chief, a woman named Spider Lethe, and even they do not know who if anyone works for her in and around town.

The Exploration Office also has ten full time members, each hand picked and hand trained. This elite group garners the greatest respect even within the Hefry scouts themselves. It is dangerous work and more members of this office have lost their lives than in all the other offices combined.

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