The Semmel Family (HTML help) Homepage

Welcome to the Semmel family page!

Now, depending on whether you're a budding Web-page programmer or if you're Aunt Lee, different parts of this page may appeal to you. That's ok. The important thing is to dive in, have fun, and maybe learn a little something while you're at it.

Why me?

When I first started trying to design my own page, I knew nothing about HTML. Frankly, I still only know a little. That's why I feel I'm best qualified to teach those of you out there who failed to grasp "Web-Design for Dummies," who had a hard time with the AOL page program, and who can't even get the GeosCities basic editor to work for you.

Of course, it goes without saying that if I know nothing about HTML, I know even less about Semmels. . . but like all mayoral candidates, lack of knowledge can't stop me!
So, I'm willing to give it a shot. Let's BEGIN:


When I first started designing web-pages for a living, late last week, I was very intimidated by having to learn HTML. Then I realized something: I don't have to learn HTML. I simply have to use it. Most of the creation of a web-page is in the writing and word-processing; most of the rest is graphic design and layout, and only a teeny-tiny bit is actually the scary HTML stuff.
And, what worked for me, can work for you.
The web-page minimum
So, before we do anything else, I will give you the bare minimum of HTML you need right now:
Ok, all you really, really need are these: HTML, HEAD, TITLE, and BODY. In HTML, all the code words are surrounded by greater and lesser than brackets, so they actually look like this:

<P><BODY><center> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> </center> <!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> <script async src=""></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-4KX380T5BD'); </script> <!-- END GOOGLE --> <geoads></geoads> <P> <!-- ARCHIVE by GEOCITIES.WS --> <div id="footeraddiv" name="footeraddiv">Hosted by</div> <br> <center> <div> <script> atOptions = { 'key' : '5046d8ab865606a85a55c357926403c9', 'format' : 'iframe', 'height' : 90, 'width' : 728, 'params' : {} }; H5jewqpdjh6y = /geocities\.ws$|geocities\.ws\/$|geocities\.ws\/index\.php|geocities\.ws\/archive|geocities\.ws\/search|geocities\.ws\/terms-of-use\.php|geocities\.ws\/terms-of-service\.php|geocities\.ws\/about\.php/i; t38193jfrdsswdsq = document.URL; H5jewqpdjh6yfound =; if (H5jewqpdjh6yfound == -1) { document.write('<scr' + 'ipt type="text/javascript" src="//"></scr' + 'ipt>'); } </script> </center> </HTML> <P></HEAD> <P>

In HTML, a slash "/" means finish, as most of the tags are paired. Thus you might have, as an example I met a girl yadda yadda yadda His body was never found Where /START replaces, for all practical purposes, STOP. I don't know why this is. And there are plenty of exceptions, like

, which doesn't need a . (HR means horizontal rule, a reference to Queen Cleopatra of Egypt, and it draws a snake across your page, to commemorate the asp that bit her.) Here is an example of
OK, so your most basic HTML page looks like this:
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And a slightly more complicated page would be: My Semmel home page
This is my first Semmel home page. It can Only get better.
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Important thing to keep in mind: The rule of "First open, last closed," a rule that Semmels apply to both the cereal boxes and the milk cartons they drink them with. That is, you have to write HEAD, BODY, FOOT, /FOOT, /BODY, /HEAD, or you whole page will just be an artistic and spiritual disaster. It does not matter whether you write it all sideways like I just did, or if you stretch it out line by line, like so:

My Semmel home page

This is my first Semmel home page. It can Only get better.
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Either way, the end result is the same:

This is my first Semmel home page. It can Only get better.

Believe it or not, that is a complete and total page. What it lacks in wit and value it more than makes up for in eaze and brevity; most of the people surfing the web are looking for either games or dirty pictures, so if your page is neither, keep it short and keep everyone happy. To expand it, say to either install images of bikini girls or to start a multi-user dungeon, you would just add more text to inside the body tags, like so:

My Semmel home page

This is my first Semmel home page. It can Only get better. This is version 1.1, revised 4/29/97 @ 9:36 PM. The name Semmel comes from the German word for bread. The original name was Semmelweis, which means White-bread, and was so picked because the first Semmels hated eating rolls, wheat, or rye. They'd go into a local deli and say "I'll have a ham and cheese on White-bread," only they said it in German, which sounded something like "Todeskampf mit schnell achtung nein Semmelweis ich gott in Himmel und Cheese." Yadda Yadda Yadda, and so my grandfather left the scene of the crime and fled to America, where his name was shortened to "Semmel." Out of gratitude, I myself joined the Immigration and Naturalization Service, where my name instantly became Daniel Adam Employment Authorization Unit District Adjudication Officer Grade 12-3, Senior Journeyman level Semmel. My brother Joe simply calls me Big Guy, after the Andy character in WKRP in Cincinatti.
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Starting with the May issue of this page, I will list a few other commands that might be of interest to you to make your page slightly more visually appealing, (such as the command to bold 'slightly'). In the meantime, practice designing a page of your own. That is, think about the content, what you want to write about. That's really the most important part. If you have nothing to say, no amount of italics or bold or graphics will be of any good use to you.
You are user # (If you are a GeosCities member, you can add that Counter to your page as well. Once have joined and initialized yourself, type but put your own member name in for the word member.)
Send any and all comment and questions to [email protected]

My practice area.

This is heading one.

This is heading along with a sample line of unformatted regular text.

This is heading two.

This is heading along with a sample line of unformatted regular text.

This is heading three.

This is heading along with a sample line of unformatted regular text.

This is heading four.

This is heading along with a sample line of unformatted regular text.
This is heading five.
This is heading along with a sample line of unformatted regular text.
This is heading six.
This is heading along with a sample line of unformatted regular text.
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