Ok summary, [NA] Nomad alliance - A collection of individuals who dont like their galaxy or wanna get out of the parallel. When you land in a galaxy that you don't want, the rest of the nomad alliance raids it. You feed them the insider info like defence etc...after roiding is done, you ask nicely/demand/threaten to be exiled(in that order probably), nomads keep moving around until they find a galaxy they like...then their obligation to the alliance is over if they want. for more info read following conversation <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> me and rhine are planning how we can exile ourselves and then roid wherever we land until we get placed in a big galaxy...lol <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> in a less threatening parallel <[BD]Rhine> see who gets in a big gal 1st <[BD]Rhine> or just go galaxy collecting lol <[BD]Rhine> threatening them into exhiling us <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> how bout we wait for roid capping, so if we land in a 20 mil galaxy we can just roid em all <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> no matter how big we are <[BD]Rhine> lol they doing that? <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> dunno but it'll sure help <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> altho <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> who needs roids <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> i'll just kill everything in sight <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> until they exile me <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> we'll help each other to it eh, miight work <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> from wherever we end up <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> like if ur galaxy sucks bad, i'll help u kill it and get exiled <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> then where u land, u can attack mine <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> then idi <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> we can travel the whole universe lol <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> this sounds REAL REAL fun...hehe <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> a lot more fun then this round is <[BD]Rhine> lol <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> i really really wanna do this lol <[BD]Rhine> we use our gal chan as bass <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> i have a childish grin on my face like when i fucked that engaged chick <[BD]Rhine> and have a webbie thing <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> exactly, we all still stay in gal channel.... <[BD]Rhine> heh <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> we'll be "290:3-relocated" <[BD]Rhine> lol <[BD]Rhine> also will piss them bad guys off lol <[BD]Rhine> will be slow process <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> we'll make Pzid GC on the condition he leaves that as the galaxy title, lol <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> he can have his own GC <[BD]Rhine> nah use farm for that innit <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> nah we get a majority online for one meeting <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> and exile us 1 by 1 <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> we gotta get like everybody on at once hehe <[BD]Rhine> u think we can? <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> we gotta get everyone else excited about it first <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> but i bet we can <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> lets save this log :) <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> so we dont gotta type it all hehe, that might actually work <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> u know u wanna do it hendi, get exiled and join us! <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> we are the PA nomads! <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> rhine, i bet a lot of people would do this <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> people who hate their galaxy <[BD]Rhine> lol nah, im not big enough <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> we could get a whole army of nomads <[BD]Rhine> sounds lotsa fun <[BD]Rhine> dont have to be big <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> that BD & friends shit, i dunno, but with THIS i'd help lol <[BD]Rhine> im only 5 mill the sad thing is i mentioned this at the beginning of the round and they all laughed at me <[BD]Rhine> u realise we got a high chance of getting blattered lol <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> explain blattered <[BD]Rhine> lol <[BD]Rhine> 40mill gal? <[BD]Rhine> ours is 80 not really, if you end up in a bad gal you dont roid them <[BD]Rhine> and its allover lol <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> ah <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> well <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> if u just ask nicely to be exiled <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> they should understand <[BD]Rhine> then give a threat <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> altho who wants to exile a guy with 10mil score lol <[BD]Rhine> if its a good gal u stay <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> yea, try niceness first of course <[BD]Rhine> if its bad u fuck them up with outside help lol <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> exactly <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> AND <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> not only do u fuck them <[BD]Rhine> and u have inside info lol <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> u dont let em know u are <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> exactly <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> u let BD galaxy raid them <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> give out the info <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> then when ETA hits 3 <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> u send our ur roiding fleets <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> and their fucked <[BD]Rhine> lol <[BD]Rhine> im loving this :) <[BD]Rhine> so many EVIL oppertunities lol <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> course the next day u gotta get the hell out of dodge lol <[BD]4LoM[RoD]> i know there is, this is great lol