Got Milk? Got Cookies?

Got Milk?
Milk comes from mammary glands (or udders for all you Holsteins and Anguses out there). Milk is good. Milk is white. Milk's only rival is Dr. Pepper. Hey, ya know those "Got Milk?" ads? Well, I found 'em. In fact, the actual ads can be found at The official Got Milk Ad Place thing. If you would like to see the the ones they didn't use, ask your mommy if you can look at naked mammaries and then go to the runner-ups.

Got Cookies?
Cookies are divine with milk. Cookies come from ovens (or ovens for all you Holsteins and Anguses out there). My favorite cookies are CHOCOLATE CHIP (which were actually botched attempts at making chocolate cookies quicker) and their only rivals are Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. *slobber* Now, I'd like to share my very best cookie sites with you (and only you)...
  • Chips Ahoy!
  • Keebler Chips Deluxe

    Including you, there are at least other people who like COOKIES AND MILK!!!

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