Variations on a Theme by Tzimisce

Oh boy, now you've stepped in it. As I said a page ago, this is my tweaked version of a discipline to be named later which was developed by a vampire already named. Since you're probably brimming over with anticip.........ation, I'll share my wisdom with you now...

Malkavian Vicissitude
This discipline allows the vampire to help others achieve their hidden expressions. It allows the vampire to literally stretch the bounds of reality for the sake of comedy. It is similar to the Tzimisce discipline of Vicissitude ( if "Chicken Corn Chowder" would have been sufficient *scoff*) however, it has a few subtle differences...enough to make it unique in its own right. So, then...
Nudge Nudge
With this power, the vampire is able to make minor adjustments to fleshy or cartilaginous structures. This can range from a slight tweak to the left of a nose to crude wholesale sagging of skin. At this stage, however, the vampire is limited in her art by the degree of structural elasticity in the victim.
Pull the Immortal Taffy
This power is similar to the one above, only elasticity is no longer a boundary. Mystically, the flesh will accomodate the vampire's renovations. This power is also limited to flesh and cartilage only, however, with this power, the term "big mouth" ceases to be figurative...
Dem Bones Dem Bones
This power allows the sculptor to include osseous structures in her reconstructions.If the bones should happen to puncture the skin or other tissues, the victim automatically takes one health level of damage. Should the heart become punctured by the ribs (which would require three successes at least), the victim takes three health levels of damage and loses two blood points per round.
Release the Funky Monkey
If Malkavians had a vampiric equivalent to the Crinos form of the Garou, then this would be it. With the expenditure of three blood points, the Malkavian will assume the form of the Funky Monkey in one round. In this form, the vampire's strength, dexterity, and stamina all increase by three. Her height increases to seven and a half feet, and a health level of damage will be taken as vicious bony tapers extend from the knuckles (to resemble claws) and bony spikes extend from the knees and elbows. The skin becomes harder, conferring an extra die to soak rolls and the facial bone structure becomes more pronounced. The claws can be modified to suit the vampire's taste, but those claws used for slashing roll damage as Strength+2 while those used for puncturing roll as Strength+3.
Walking Blood Puddle
This power allows the vampire to turn parts of her body into blood at will. Each limb is worth 2 points, both to turn to blood and to recreate. The torso is worth four and the head worth three. In this state, the vampire can ooze through gutters and screens or render restraints useless. The vampire cannot be injured or staked in this form, but she is still susceptible to fire and sunlight.
Malkavian Marauder
This power is almost identical to the Funky Monkey, but has several additions. First, the vampire is able to grow leathery bat wings eight feet in span. The "thumbs" of these wings are bony spikes which can also be used in combat (Strength). Flight is possible, with practice. Second, a bony ridge forms from the bridge of the nose, over the head, and down the spine from which sprout large bony tapers. This confers an extra soak die against any attacks from behind. Finally, with the expenditure of five initial blood points, the Marauder can assume the stony and motionless form of a gargoyle. In the state, the vampire can withstand one hour of sunlight for each blood point spent thereafter.

There. I hope you're happy. I also hope you clear this discipline with your ST before you decide to go gallivanting around doing the Funky Monkey. If your ST should balk, however, tell him that the Justicar of the Malkavians learned ya how to do it. Yeah, that oughtta convince him...:)
Well, I think that's gonna do for now. If you've got any questions, you can go back and email me from the mailing center. And so...


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