The Wee Folk

Ohayo gozaimasu! So, you've come to expand your mind, have you? Well, we don't have any more room here, you'll have to go to Vienna. Those tricky little tricksters have plenty of head room there, being as they're all pinheads. *snicker* Just kidding. Not all of them are pinheads. Those that aren't are simply atmocephallic. hehehe

Okay, enough of that. If we were here to poke fun, we'd find an easier target in the Toreador...go bathroom on the floor! Back to business...

Wee Folk

The Wee Folk was designed with the hopes of enabling Malkavians all over the world follow through with every prank their enlightened little melons can imagine. With this discipline, car key gnomes can become a reality, as well as leprechauns and sprites and brownies and various other helpers. Like I said before, this discipline was developed for the Malkavian with too many pranks and not enough time.

This level allows the vampire to establish contact with Arcadia. After a Perception + Occult roll (difficulty 5), the vampire opens a small gate into Arcadia. One gnomish creature may be called forth with the expenditure of two blood points. The gnome possesses only the simplest of thought processes and obeys one simple command only.

Gnomo Sapiens
This level allows the vampire to call forth a gnome with an increased capacity for intelligence. This gnome can follow increasingly complex tasks, i.e. those tasks with two or more commands. The gnome's cognitive processes have also developed so that he possesses a sense of personal danger (looking before crossing the street, depth perception, etc.).

Puckish Pair
This level allows the vampire to call forth two gnomes for one blood point. They have cognitive capacities to include simple riddles and puzzles, complex commands, and the ability to learn one discipline.

Learned Leprechauns
At this level, the vampire can call forth two gnomes possessing the abilities for independent thought, complex riddles and puzzles, and abstract reasoning.

Hobbit Horde
At this level, the vampire can call forth five gnomes per blood point. One out of every five will be elected leader and they are all capable of self-motivation and self-preservation. The leaders can delegate tasks and authority to the others, creating a crude form of self-government.

Erudite Elves
At this level, the vampire can call forth gnomes whose intellect allows them to learn multiple disciplines, though no more than three. Gnomes of this level can also teach other gnomes disciplines. Self-determination is fully realized, as the gnomes are capable of creating settlements and societies, mirroring the mortal world. This includes learning, working, living, and reproducing. It does not, however, include disloyalty to or incompletion of duties requested by the summoning vampire. Those tasks set forth by the vampire are the cores of their lives and all else is accommodated around them.

Well, now, I hope you're satisfied. Take this discipline, go forth, and multiply. Enjoy.

I have educated people so far in the ways of the Malkavian :)

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