Patient X & the Slightly Mundane
By Amanda Finch
[email protected]

Well, slap my face with the Cat O' Snide Tails, it's...the Slightly Mundane!

Classification: Humor, Parody, List
Rating: Parental Discretion is Advised...NOT!
Spoilers: Lots and Lots of Spoilers for Patient-X!
Disclaimer: Not mine. Next question!
Archive: Yes. Pertinent Info Attached.
Summary: "Patient-X" gets the Smartass Tincture of Doom.
(Personal Disclaimer: This does not mean I hated the episode. All flames will be deflected with the Anti-Moron Field of Protection 2000.)


1. Great! They burned up every car in the former Soviet Union for that one scene! Those waste-lovin' bastards!

2. Marita: "I am the Special Representative to the Secretary General!" REJECTED DIALOGUE - KRYCEK: "Yeah, well, I'm the, uh, Special Assistant to That Crazy Bald Russian Scientist Guy! My title's longer!"

3. The Biggest Conspiracy of The Episode: Mulder and Scully exchange minds and neither of them seem to notice. Worst case scenario:

SCULLY: "Argh! I'm watching...'Barrack Beauties'?" MULDER: "Argh! I'm retaining water!"

4. REJECTED DIALOGUE - THE WELL-MANICURED MAN: (picks up phone) "Consortium, can I help you?"

5. REJECTED DIALOGUE - CHUNKY ITALIAN GUY: (looking at Marita) "The hookers are here!"

6. Mulder's sketch on the newspaper: Fox Freud.

7. REJECTED DIALOGUE - THE CROWD ON THE BRIDGE: (looking skyward) "Hey...if you look in the sky, you can see words...'The Truth is...On Sale Now!?!'"

8. REJECTED WITTY REPARTEE: Marita: "There's just something about a man with one arm missing that makes my expression change!" Krycek: "C'Mere Ms. Clairol, let me put my tongue in your mouth!" Marita: "Okay!"

(Bees do it. Rats do it...)

9. REJECTED DIALOGUE - MULDER: "Oh, now I don't believe in aliens and you DO? You're just being contrary! Okay...well, I don't believe in sex! Let's stand back and watch the transformation!"

10. REJECTED DIALOGUE - SCULLY: "You'll have to forgive my partner, Mrs. Spender...but, have you ever felt like there's a group of people writing for you sometimes, and, well, they're drunk?"

11. REJECTED DIALOGUE - KRYCEK: "So, Dmitri, do you like Gladiator movies?"

Amanda Finch, The Fresh-Maker

Feedback makes my expression change.



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