So Much For the Afterglow

By Amanda Finch
[email protected]


RATING: PG-13, allusions to sexual situations, mild profanity
SPOILERS: Post-Fight the Future, but no real spoilers here
DISCLAIMER: Say it with me: The characters utilized for this story are the sole property of Chris Carter, 1013 Productions and FOX. I have the right to remain silent, anything I say or do will be used against me in a court of...oh, wrong disclaimer...
SUMMARY: A pivotal night in the lives of Mulder and Scully opens the door a completely new nightmare.
ARCHIVE: Yes. If archiving to a private site, attach my name and address and send me the URL so I can obsessively come to see what it looks like elsewhere ;)

Apologies to my always helpful Beta Readers for not letting them in on this one. Feeniks, Joann, L.A. and Kristen, I'll expect a full tongue-lashing of "you should'ves" tomorrow!

Damage Control = Feedback. Please?

So, what do you get when an X-Files humorist who isn't, by definition, a 'Shipper writes a 'Shipper story during a vulnerable, unguarded moment? Read on:


It was 7:30 PM.

The doorbell-ringer could've been anyone.

A Jehovah's Witness, a Girl Scout, Frohike, the cops...

It was *supposed* to be the pizza delivery guy. An extra large pepperoni and sausage with black olives and extra cheese, and make it snappy. Mulder checked his watch. Their 30 minute guarantee time was almost up. So, usual paranoia aside, Mulder opened the door, moist twenty-dollar bill clenched in his hand, expression expectant of a pleasant wafting sensation of meat, cheese and artery-clogging fat.

Mulder blinked once, twice. "Sir?!"

Assistant Director Skinner stood at the door, his shirt the only reminder that they had all been at work today. He'd changed into jeans. Somehow, this didn't diminish his authority.

He blinked once, twice. Paused to push his glasses up. "Agent Mulder, what are you doing in Agent Scully's apartment?"

(Don't say 'screwing'!)

"We're working on a case, sir," Mulder said matter-of-factly, gesturing at a table covered with open files and scattered papers, making the kitchen look like the floor of the stock market.

Skinner nodded at the table, and asked succinctly. "Where are your pants, Agent Mulder?"

"My..." Mulder looked down. "I'm wearing shorts, sir. It's in the nineties outside."

"Boxer shorts." Skinner stated.

"Shorts are shorts, sir." Mulder now mentally added 'annoyed' to his previous complaint list of 'hungry'. "Do you need to speak with Agent Scully?"

"Not particularly," said Skinner, still looking past Mulder into the living room. "Where is she?"

"She's in the bathroom, sir."

He nodded. Mulder didn't have the heart to tell him that she was in there taking a lavish bubble bath that - up until the doorbell rang - he had been spectating with much fervor and some cheering.

"Well, I did need to have a word with both of you. I guess this just makes it more convenient." Skinner cleared his throat, and paused again. "Are you going to let me in, Agent Mulder?"


Mulder keened his hazel-eyed gaze at Skinner in a last-ditch effort to silently say what should've been apparent. It all bounced off the glare in Skinner's glasses. Begrudgingly stepping aside, he gestured to the couch and shut the door as the assistant director stepped past. Mulder finally exhaled, but his nerves were in fits.

"Which case are you working on?" Skinner made himself cozy on Agent Scully's sofa, a sofa that just moments before had been made the crux of a paranormal phenomenon in Mulder's life. A paranormal event that involved the fact that Scully's brassiere peeked out from under the back of the sofa. Mulder gasped and nudged it the rest of the way under with his foot. Where *were* his pants?

"Uhh..." Mulder took a quick assessment of the living room. "We're working on the Mallory Hampton case, sir."

"Good." Skinner stretched his legs. "The Bureau is breathing down the back of my neck about it."

Mulder was looking at the kitchen table and its scattered contents. "We're on top of it, sir."

"On top of what?" Skinner asked, also giving the table a critical eye.

Mulder nearly jumped out of his skin and was inches away from emitting a shriek. (Does he know?) He straightened. "The case, sir. We have a few avenues left as far as resolving the situation."

Skinner stared blankly at the wall opposite the sofa.

"I'll see what's taking Agent Scully, sir." Relieved for a chance to step out of the room, Mulder walked with one eye half-cocked over his shoulder, wondering if walking *into* the bathroom to check on her progress would be within Skinner's sight. He subtly and deftly pushed the door so that it was only open a couple of inches and finally let his composure go slack.

Scully was applying lotion to an area that was very susceptible to unannounced fondling. He'd never known that a white towel could look like the height of fashion.

"There you are," Scully replied, approaching him, wet strands of her auburn hair alluringly framing her face. "Did the guy have to *make* the pizza here or something?"

"Shh," he said, ducking her kiss. "Skinner's here."

"Who?" She inadvertently lost her grasp of the towel.

"Get the soap out of your ears," Mulder said, tensing. "Assistant Director Skinner is sitting on your couch as we speak."

Scully grabbed her bathrobe, half of her mouth smiling. "I'm not into the kinky aspect of that, Mulder, but I guess we could give it a try."

"I'm not kidding!" Mulder said in a desperate whisper. "He's in there right now. And if I'm in here for one minute more, he's going to -- "

"Right," she said, smirking. "How gullible do you think I am?"

"He's *here*," Mulder hissed, and to illustrate his point, called out over his shoulder, "We'll be there in a second, sir!"

"Alright," Skinner said gruffly, and - unless Mulder was imagining things - suspiciously.

Scully dropped the towel again. "Oh shit."

"Ditto," said Mulder, half-frantic. "What are we going to do?"

She brushed past him. "I need to get dressed!"

"He'll hear you!" Mulder whispered loudly.

"He'll hear *you* first," she said through clenched teeth. "Couldn't you have looked through the peephole before you opened the door?"

"I thought it was the pizza!" And before the words were even out of his mouth, the doorbell chimed a second time.

"Who now?" muttered Scully bleakly. "The Section Chief?"

"You want me to get that?" Skinner asked from the sofa.

"I'll get it, sir!" Mulder answered, and took in one last glimpse of Scully, who was glistening in a way that, earlier, would've made her prone to a Naked Tackle. He gave her a quick kiss. "I'll think of something, okay? Just...get dressed."

As she pulled on a pair of jeans, she didn't seem to be convinced.

The knocking continued as Mulder breezed by the assistant director. "She's...not feeling well, sir. She had something for lunch that disagreed with her. She'll be out in a second." Mulder didn't wait for affirmation, but opened the door with one sweeping motion. The delivery guy from Pirelli's Pizza stood there, grinning.

"Hey, there," he said, red insulated bag in hand. "You Mulder?"

Mulder nodded dismissively, pulling the twenty dollar bill out of his shirt pocket. "What do I owe you?"

"Hey, you were the highlight of the evening!" exclaimed the delivery guy with a wall-rattling guffaw. "We should give you the pizza for free!"

"Keep the change," said Mulder anxiously, making a mad grab for the pizza.

The delivery guy continued. "I mean, how many people can *order a pizza* while they're having their brains screwed out by..." His voice faded as he looked over Mulder's shoulder.

Mulder followed his eye. From the sofa, Skinner offered a friendly wave.

Mulder spun back around, almost as adamant about reinstating his sexuality as he was about making the pizza guy shut the hell up.

"Huh," said the man, miffed, pocketing the $20. "Whatever winds your crank."

Mulder stood there, pizza in hand, stammering, "But...I..."

Pirelli's representative was already down the hall, walking as if he'd been betrayed. Mulder gave the door a good slam and turned toward Skinner, wondering what came next.

Skinner was obviously wondering the same.

"Pizza, sir?" Mulder offered weakly.

"I ate," said Skinner coldly. "Are you going to tell me what's really going on here?"

Mulder turned, swallowing the lump in his throat, to put the pizza down with the disarray of case files on the dining room table.

"Have I ever given you reason to think I'm gullible, Agent Mulder?" Skinner was standing now. "I won't tolerate you telling me an outright lie."

Still saying nothing, Mulder opened the bedroom door, where Scully stood - caught unaware - in her jeans and t-shirt.

"He knows," Mulder said quietly, avoiding her eye.

"I knew before I even knocked on the door, Agent Mulder." Skinner absently paced the length of Scully's living room.

With a violence that spread inside of him, Mulder held Scully's arm tightly. "There's cameras in here? They were watching us?"

"They were watching you, Agent Mulder," whispered Skinner harshly. "But they weren't using a camera." Skinner walked past both of them and threw the dining room curtains open. He jabbed at the window that directly faced Scully's apartment from across the private drive. "They were there."

Mulder peered into the growing darkness of the streets surrounding Scully's apartment building. The window across was unlit, and to Mulder felt like an unblinking eye that was still watching. Turning away from it, he asked, deadpan voice wrapped up in anger, "Why were they watching us?"

"Is this a justifiable cause for debunking our work?" Scully demanded. "Shutting down the X-Files again?"

"They don't want to close the X-Files." Skinner closed the curtains, even though he knew the men were long gone.

"Then what?" Mulder stood between the assistant director and Scully. "Was it...him?"

They both knew who he was referring to. Mulder couldn't even make himself say the name - or what passed for a name - aloud.

"This wasn't important enough for him to be present, even though he was the one who called me," Skinner answered flatly, looking from Mulder to Scully and back again. "This was a tactical exercise."

"A tactical..." Mulder breathed in, sharply. "A *sniper*?"

Skinner nodded. "I didn't come over here to reprimand you for a serious violation of protocol, Agents. Even though that's what it is." The assistant director turned away from them, heading towards the door. He stopped again. "I came here to warn you. The man...had a good, clean shot for Scully."

"For Scully?" Mulder's heart quit beating for what seemed like minutes. "For Scully?"

"They don't want to kill you, Agent Mulder." Skinner put his hands in his pockets, eyes lingering on both of them. "Not directly, anyway. They take you out, and Scully will continue to do your work. This is what they know. But if they take her out, they're fairly sure you couldn't make it alone. You may want to work on that. You may want to change their minds."

Mulder swallowed. "You stopped them?"

Skinner was at the door, feeling a solidarity in the room that didn't include him. "I didn't stop them, Agent Mulder. You did. Right when the man had a clear shot stood with her. They couldn't have hit her without hitting you as well."

"What do you want us to do now, sir?" Scully asked, strong and determined. More strong and determined than Mulder could muster.

"I'm not here to 'bust you', Agent Scully." He opened the door, standing halfway out into the hall. "Just...protect each other."

He left, pulling the door closed behind him. Mulder wanted to lock the door. Better yet, they could put even more locks on it. The windows would have to go, or be boarded up, or something. He'd get Frohike to help him sweep the room for surveillance devices, and they'd do something about the house across the way...hell, he'd move into it, if he had to. He'd...

He looked at Scully, whose eyes were magnetized to the darkened window across the drive as his eyes had been. He'd move in here.

He'd never leave her side.

Pulling her away, he took a new assessment of the living room. What if...what if she were standing beside the sofa, right in the path of the window...and when she'd said the words, when she had told him what he'd been hungry to hear...what if he had paused for just a few seconds more? What if he hadn't moved from the chair? What if -- ?

A sudden flashing image of her falling back as the bullet found her through the window...of himself bolting up, trying to make his body some kind of tourniquet to prevent the life from flowing out of her...

He closed his eyes, and opened them quickly. Neither of them could close their eyes anymore, not without precautions.

Not without consequences.

"Mulder," she called to him softly.

He was sitting down. When had he sat down? Everything spun around him like he was its axis. Turning to face her, he knew that all of it - days, weeks, lives - were changed now. They knew. They knew how important she was to him all along, but maybe they hadn't known until now that she was Mulder's lifeblood.

The stakes had never been higher.


Convince me that I didn't hit "Send" in error, huh?


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