
There are 6 Guilds : Artisan, Assassins, Mercenary, Merchants, Thieves, and Seamstresses. Each Guild has a goal unique to them. The purpose of the game is to try and achieve that goal. The first person to meet their Guilds' goal wins. Some goals are mutually exclusive.

There are 2 types of Guilds: Lawful and Unlawful, or criminal, Guilds. Lawful Guild cards are colored blue. Unlawful Guild cards are colored green. You can only earn money from cards of the same alignment.

The other deck consists of Person and Group cards. Lawful Person cards are colored purple, Unlawful are aqua. Lawful Group cards are colored red, Unlawful are pink.

Guild cards are shuffled and dealt randomly, face-down. They remain secret. Play proceeds in a clock-wise fashion, starting with the player to the dealer's left.

On turn, player first draws a card from the deck and places it in the center. The value of any cards gained since the player's last turn is added to their total. Players may then make as many actions as they want before declaring turn over.

On their turn, players may bid for cards in the center. The opening bid is 5g. Other players, however, may counter bid for that card, raising it's price. If the other player outbids you, they must immediately take the card and pay the bank.

However, they do not get the benefit of the card until their turn. Players can make alliances and deals amongst themselves. These could include giving up a card, trading, splitting profits, or a simple bribe.

On their turn, players may attack another card, either in the center or a player's hand. Attacking is done by playing one card against another. If the offense of the attacker is higher than the defense of the target, you win and the other card is discarded. If the numbers are equal, flip a coin. If your person loses, you lose their card. Attacking a person card is considered as killing them. Attacking a group card is considered as looting.

If the defeated card was in the center, the card's value is added to your worth. If the card was held by a player, that player gets to add the cards value (if they had not already done so).

Each card can only attack once per turn. Lawful people will not attack another lawful person.

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