
The Shadow Queen is gathering her forces. Not content with ruling her own lands, she is looking towards the Kingdom for new slaves and sacrifices. Shadows, accompanied by their Familiars and Thralls, are attempting to destroy and corrupt the people of the Kingdom.

The Kingdom must rally and fight for freedom. They cannot win until all traces of the Shadow Queen's forces are gone. Priests, Soldiers, Messengers, and Peasants all have their role to play in the defense.

Play alternates between sides, with the Shadows having the first move.
Players draw 1 card for every holding under their control at the beginning of their turn.
On a turn, the player moves a piece and then may play a card or take an action. They may do this for as many of their pieces as they want.
Used cards are not returned to the deck.
At the end of the turn, the player discards until they hold 1 card for every holding under their control.
Discards are reshuffled and returned to the deck.
Anyone on a holding is considered adjacent to the bordering hexes.

Players cannot attack their own pieces. Players may roll 1 die for every Shadow or Soldier adjacent to the target.
Attack roll > defense roll: defending piece(s) are removed from board.
Attack roll = defense roll: all pieces remain

Each side starts with 18 pieces and 4 holdings, with the ability to build bridges, footpaths, and altars. Holdings may be placed anywhere on the player's side of the board.
Terrain features are the river, forests, and caves. The river can only be crossed by a bridge. Forests slow movement to 1 hex, unless there is a path. Caves offer safety. No piece may be attacked in a cave. However, pieces who remain in a cave for more than 4 turns get eaten by a bear. You cannot play a card or take an action while in the cave.

Shadow Rules
Goal: Enthrall (possess) or kill all the enemy pieces.
When attacking or defending, player rolls 1 die for every Shadow adjacent to the target.
Holdings: 1 Stronghold, 3 Slave pens
Pieces: 6 Shadows, 6 Familiars, 6 Thralls
Movement: 2 hexes
Possess: 'Shadow possesses <piece>'
Shadow must be adjacent to target to play card. If target is in a holding, the holding must be under Shadow control.
Player is able to move the possessed piece during their turn. The possessed piece may be moved immediately upon playing the card. The Kingdom player is also allowed to move the piece so long as the piece remains on their side of the board, but they are unable to make the possessed play a card or take action.
Taint: 'Shadows taint <holding>'
Shadow must be in the holding to play card.
Holding is now under Shadow control.
Attack: 'Shadow attacks <piece>'
Defend: 'Shadow defends against <piece>'
Sacrifice: 'Shadow sacrifices to the Dark Queen.
Shadows can only sacrifice in Shadow-controlled holdings with an altar. One used card may be reintegrated into the deck.

Movement: 3 hexes
Taint: 'Familiar taints <holding>'
Lure: 'Familiar lures <piece>'
Familiar must be within 3 hexes of target. Target is moved towards Familiar. The only defense possible is for Soldiers who play the special orders card. Lure works on pieces standing in a holding.
Steal: 'Familiar steals <card>'
Player may take any card from kingdom player's hand. Stolen cards may be used by possessed pieces or discarded.

Movement: 1 hex
All build cards require 2 turns. Play the card on the first turn, and add item on the second.
Build Bridge: Thrall must be adjacent to river.
Build Path: Thrall must be in forest.
Build Altar: Thrall must be in Shadow-controlled holding.
Sabotage: Thrall must be adjacent to target. Bridge, path, or altar is removed. If a piece is on the bridge, it falls into the water and drowns.

Kingdom Rules
Goal: Banish all Shadows and their taint.
When attacking or defending, player rolls 1 die for every Soldier adjacent to the target.
Holdings: 1 Church, 3 Villages
Pieces: 5 Priests, 4 Soldiers, 3 Messengers, 6 Peasants

Movement: 1 hex
Banish: Remove all Shadow or possessed pieces adjacent to Priest to
nearest Shadow-controlled holding.
Bless: Removes Shadow taint from holding, or ends possession.
Prayer: Priests may only pray in kingdom controlled holdings with an
altar. One used card may be reintegrated into the deck.

Movement: 2 hexes (+1 for marching orders card) Soldiers may only move when
under orders.
Rescue: 'Soldier rescues thralls/peasants'
Roll as if attacking. If successful, player may move thralls or peasants to nearest kingdom controlled land.
Attack: 'Soldier attacks <piece>'
Defend: 'Soldier defends against <piece>'

Movement: 3 hexes
To deliver orders, Messenger must be adjacent to Soldier when card is played. Orders are automatically canceled when a Soldier enters a holding or takes an action. Soldiers may only act under 1 set of orders at a time.
Patrol orders: Soldier may move towards any holding or Shadow piece within the Messengers' range. Card remains for as long as they travel to that destination.
Marching orders: Soldier may move 3 hexes per turn. Card remains for as long as the Soldier moves in one direction in a straight line.
Special orders: Soldier is immune to Lure attempts. Card remains for as long as the Soldier moves each turn.

Movement: 1 hex
All build cards require 2 turns. Play the card on the first turn, and add item on the second.
Build Bridge: Peasant must be adjacent to river.
Build Path: Peasant must be in forest.
Build Altar: Peasant must be in Shadow-controlled holding.
Sabotage: Peasant must be adjacent to target. Bridge, path, or altar is removed. If a piece is on the bridge, it falls into the water and drowns.

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