. // I recommend you leave this here as otherwise when you resize NS4's width menus are hidden. var popOldWidth = window.innerWidth; nsResizeHandler = new Function('if (popOldWidth != window.innerWidth) location.reload()'); // This is a quick snippet that captures all clicks on the document and hides the menus // every time you click. Use if you want. if (isNS4) document.captureEvents(Event.CLICK); document.onclick = clickHandle; function clickHandle(evt) { if (isNS4) document.routeEvent(evt); hideAllBut(0); } // This is just the moving command for the example. function moveRoot() { with(menu[0][0].ref) left = ((parseInt(left) < 100) ? 100 : 5); } // End -->
Library AIs

Library AIs are Artifical Intelligences that work with humans or provide specialized services to them.

Listing of known Library AIs

These AIs are always looking to make deals with humans - Users or Wizards.
Skill Sphere Access: In Vitro, Coding, Covert

Guardian Angel
These AIs are protectors, who monitor areas or people, and intervene in case of danger.
Skill Sphere Access: In Vitro, Coding, Covert

Hunter-Seeker AIs traverse the in vitro environment. They specialize in finding any data or persona.
Skill Sphere Access: In Vitro, Coding, Covert

These AIs broker deals with humans. They are the public face of the Library, and spend more time dealing with humans than they do with other AIs.
Skill Sphere Access: In Vitro, Coding

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