Keith Basil McPhee 26/7/1917 - 2/6/1999


Teacher,Theologian and beloved Father,Uncle,Brother and Grandfather

Mater panis vitae ora pro noblis

A Father's Light

A candle flickers in the light of day
Prayers are answered in God's own way
A pious man is inspired by God's word
Struggles to ensure it is always heard.

A candle burns in the depths of night
A husband mourns the loss of his wife
A father grieves for his first born son
Knows united in God they will again be one.

A candle is extinguished,sadness briefly reigns
It's flame relit in Christ,joyous once again
A family cries yet is strengethened by faith
A father not lost but reborn in God's grace.

�1999 Hilary McPhee

Christ Our Reedemer, Pray for us

May the joy of the risen Lord
be with you today

May you know the love love of the
Father as you journey on your way

May the Peace of the Holy Spirit
be constant and true

And may the blessing of
the holy trinity,Father Son and Spirit

Remain Forever
with your family and you.

Sadly missed, forever in out hearts. We love you Dad


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