Hiya! Welcome to my guestbook fellow Sinners! Thanks for Stopping by!LICKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

Bill - 02/14/99 01:15:03
My URL:http://members.tm.net/bdeighton
My Email:[email protected]
Your Favourite Site: Yours!
Favourite author....dark of course!: Thomas Pynchon
Wanna donate sinner?......nahh,it's OK: heheheh
Other Rings Joined?: Ring of the Culturally Challenged
Hil: Uhmmm... cool site, hon. Uhhh, I'll sign your guestbook later... LMAO

10/15/98 08:13:11
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Cindy - 09/18/98 01:04:11
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:[email protected]
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

- 09/06/98 10:58:40

Just Lookin - 05/24/98 14:05:01
Cool site!!!

�ark �esire - 05/20/98 15:01:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/9811/Darksiders.html
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite Site: Vampire ones
Favourite color......joking!: well, it's black of course!
Great pages Sis!!! Love ya

- 05/20/98 00:52:22

Lestat de Lioncourt - 04/27/98 10:19:43
My URL:http://lestat.person.dk
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite Site: http://thing.person.dk
Great page I really like it :o[ Looking forvard to hear from you Gretings Lestat de Lioncourt

blinkybill - 04/07/98 06:55:05
My Email:[email protected]
This is brilliant!! loved the site , your peoms ...are they soal...ly yours teehee!! sure heated my room ...anyway thanks again enjoyed it all

Phil - 03/16/98 01:52:30
My Email:[email protected]
Favourite Site: hmmm ... dunno ... the only ones I revisit often are the search engines, like Lycos
Favourite color......joking!: Blue, of course! LOL
You need to advertise, more. I'm really surprised at the low visitor count, unless you've reset it, recently. It's a pretty cool site! (A little more contrast in this guest book page might be easier on the eyes, though. ) The Kiss & Tell page ought to have 'em guessing! Nice work, luv. You've got a good 'un going, here. {{{huggsss}}}

- 01/31/98 08:37:55

- 01/24/98 03:00:36

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