Dark Nemesis

My hunger for you I can no longer hide,
Your blood wells up in a bright crimson tide,
As you let me drink your soul slips inside,
Our dark lover's desire no longer denied,
Ectasy of dark union,I thrill to it's ride,
Hold fast to me, I will never leave your side!

Saited and replete I stand watch over you,
Your blood sings in my soul,my life you renew,
Burning passion and bloodlust consumes me anew,
Dare I drink again,red haze clouds my view,
Sense struggles and wins, my heart again beats true,
My own Dark nemesis,I will eternally hunger for you!

Cat's Eyes

Such sweet love binds me with silken ties,
You give me a dreamy look of promised highs,
My body burns with boodlust's brightest flame,
Heart scorching desire calls out your name!

I hear your purr of contentment, such bliss,
To be hotly smothered by your bloody kiss,
To feel my blood spurt to be one with yours,
Into your dark soul my spirit glady soars.

Walking by your side death is my friend,
For it means our dark love will never end,
Giving sweet pain from your lovers fierce bite,
I hunger for your feeding every endless night!

Your feline grace your deep passionate roar,
Your hot sweet blood renews my soul once more,
Though my time with you so soon swiftly flies,
I always hunger to be seen through your cats eyes!


Dark secret joys of of the undead had waned,
sweet taste of life blood now caused exquisite pain,
Each willing victim seduced like a moth to his flame,
Envying their mortal life as to each soul he lay claim.

He had lived his soul's dark passion too long,
The call of oblivion had become too strong,
His heart was worn out and empty,did not belong,
Battered amongst the vibrant mortal throng.

He sought the dawn's sun, its warming,burning rays,
In silent homage to oblivion,to end his miserable days,
He searched the open,found a final resting place to lay,
Smiled as the sun kissed his lips in destroying play.

Lovers Embrace

She awaited him with arms open wide,
Ih his warm embrace she sought to hide,
Safely locked in his heart she would abide,
Secure in his love, to walk side by side.

His deep love for her warmed her cold soul,
Their passionate embraces made her again whole,
Time together was fleeting as kisses they stole,
Unity beyond earthly planes had become their goal.

Their hearts soared together like birds in flight,
Desires overan and swamped the depths of night,
Blissfully joined, souls locked in a dark bite,
Undead forever, sweet eternity holding them tight.

Return to The Abyss

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Princess.....� 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.

� 1998 [email protected]

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