Dark Poetry



Absence of thought.

Promised peace beckonned her

with a lover's entreaty.

Etenity's embrace,

These arms would alone keep her safe.

Never to let her go,


Tranquility, solitude,

All she desired awaited her.

Promised highs of sweet oblivion,

A lullaby of tender caressess.

One step.

One final cut.

Pain briefly flashes white hot.

Soothed by a lover's cold kisses.


Unafraid she took his hand.

She gazed entranced upon his face,

smilingly welcomed her one faithful love,



I sit with my pain and polish it bright,

It keeps me alive and allows me some light,

Sharpening its edges so it cuts like a knife,

I let the wounds bleed so I can again feel life.

I sit with my pain and remember the darkness,

Of terror and betrayal, of false love's harshness,

A lost child,life ebbing with each bloody drip,

Struggles to remove guilt's relentless death grip.

I sit with my pain and let if fill me from inside,

To mask lonliness and emptiness which I cannot hide,

Yet there is one to whom I can reach out to find,

What is lacking in me, to all that I am blind.

His love won't let me sit in the dark polishing my pain,

Would stop me from bleeding my life away as red rain,

His bright soul beckons me out from my cocoon of night,

Embracing it now,I fall into it's healing sweet light.


Lost and abandoned,she struggled no more,

Wandering aimlessly in the abyss of night,

Pitiless pain devoured the wounds still raw,

Silent tears the sole witness to a losing war.

A silent scream hurled into the depths of space,

Searing flames reached out with beckoning arms,

She blindly fell into their unforgiving embrace,

A final refuge, a lasting fall from grace.

Such innocence,sweet wide eyed wonder,

Precious seed of jewel bright life!

Dashed upon fate's rocks,cruelly rent asunder,

Pain destroying with ceseless plunder.

In agony of mind she lay unresisting,

While the hounds of grief consumed her soul,

For her no more the torture of sorrow unrelenting,

Just alone and empty,life non-existing.


Naked and alone I wander the bleak night,

Too tired to care,too griefstricken to fight,

Like a starving,lost child I hunger for the sight,

Of the two loving arms that once held me so tight.

My heart bleeds life away, each beat a death knell,

My eyes cry silent tears,of my soul never to tell,

The agony of losing that light which made me well,

My soul now lost in the torment of a living hell.

I stare into space and wait for sweet death to come,

Beg the night to hide me and never again see the sun,

Unleashing my soul's demons my love finally undone,

Stumbling I finally fall,love's battle never to be won.

� 1998 [email protected]

Push to return! Push to escape!

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