So many people have been and are, so very special to me. These are all poems written for and about these very special people.
Some will know who they are, others may only wonder if they are indeed here.

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Distant Love

She lay crying in his arms as if her heart would break,
Desperate for him to stay with her and never leave
Yet knowing how futile wishes were these days,
His heart spoke to her with truth and love,
Though she dared not listen to the sweet voice of reason
Preferred to dwell in torment and pain when he went.
He shook her hard, loved her so much yet knew,
She was the only one who could save them both,
He prayed she had the strength to live and not just exist.

His heart lay open and empty, waiting for her to fill it.
God how he needed her and all that she gave him!
He feared he would lose her when distance became too great.
Her heart fluttered as she grew pale and still in his arms.
He kissed her to breathe his life into her willing her back to him
Knew he would not be able to survive another death of his heart.
She opened her eyes and gazed upon his face with such sweet love,
Filling his heart,mind and soul with her joyous presence,one with him again,
This time he vowed nothing would ever seperate them again in any world.

Her hand caressed his face, her fingers trembling with need and desire,
Making his skin tingle where she touched his face, hot with love for her,
He crushed her to him, vowing to keep her in his heart even beyond the grave.
She spoke, barely a whisper but his soul trembled at her words,
Promised never to leave him again,loving the light from his dear soul,
Happy to be in his world,even if not always being there by his side.
Magic kisses,two hearts beating in time,such love never before existed,
Together in heart,mind and soul,seperated by distance but never apart,
Each now held the other always,safe,protected,forever truly one heart.

Strange Love

A stranger moves above me,face pained with lust,
And as I kiss his lips,I grow wary at my trust,
Suddenly I am alone and empty,swallowed up by fears,
For his heart lies elsewhere,self pity feeds my tears.
I steel my soul against the pain,the longing to belong,
I slip away inside my mind,hiding from what feels wrong.

Yet as he fills me deep inside,the emptiness still remains,
How can this be a kind of love when all I feel is the pain?
He says we are good friends,he says it's not just chemistry,
Still I feel abandonned now that he's finished loving me.
He keeps himself busy, probably regretting what he's done,
For he already has a true love and I alas I'm not the one!

The Call

Suddenly the nightmarish demons had flown,
As she listened to the voice on the phone,
Mesmerised she wandered in his thrall,
Unaware as he removed the encircling wall.
Past the jaggered shards of her broken dreams,
Beyond the foothills of her silent screams,
Naked and childlike she faced his penetrating insight,
Her soul weeped blood but she was too bemused to fight,
He laid bare all her defences, crept into her heart,
Her hard won dark safe haven came crashing apart.
As swiftly as he had entered, he soon dissapperared,
Far away in his other world, bereft, her eyes teared,
He had shown her sweet gentlness and the hope of more,
Learnt all her secrets,made her open her heart's door.
Then left her alone, with no defence against the night,
No walls to protect her from the pain and the fright,
Just the hint of friendship if she dared follow him there,
With no means of escape, she was trapped in fear's lair.
She wanted to leave the darkness, walk into the light,
Show him her progress proudly and see his delight,
A bittersweet journey,for her love she must hide
He had shown her a path but could not be her guide,

Chance Encounter

She met him by chance when she had already lost her head,
His generosity was thrilling, so were the words he said.
She knew sweet, deep recognition of his shining soul,
Perhaps in this life, together they would become whole.

He made her heart smile, laughter bubbled deep inside,
From loves gentle touch she no longer wanted to hide.
They talked of their lives and the pain it can bring,
Of the joy in deep friendship,of love's songs to sing.

She let him slip inside and take root in her heart,
Storing sweet memories for the times when apart,
Yielding to him all her years of pain and despair,
And with one loving word showed her his tender care.

Banished her demons and allowed her to freedom to love,
Showed her the stuff waking dreams were really made of.
Bonded soul to soul, she gladly drowned in his gaze,
Together walking in friendship for the rest of their days!

Who Knows?

He's like a fast train to heaven,
And I am off the rails,
Lost and out to sea,
On a ship that has no sails.
Who knows what may happen,
If I ever reach dry land,
Perhaps he'll be my rescue,
Holding out a helping hand.

He's like a rock and roll band,
And I can't even sing in key,
Wandering mute in life's music,
Hoping my silence won't imprison me.
Who knows what may happen,
If I ever can sing my song,
Perhaps love will find me,
Showing me where I belong.

He's like a best selling novel,
And I have no eyes to read,
Closing all my life's chapters
Only with grief my heart to feed.
Who knows what may happen,
If I ever write my own story,
Perhaps he'll come inside and stay,
"What's the story morning glory?"

Maybe Love

Maybe love is meant to be,
The wild beating of my heart,
Delicious tremors of anticipation
Washing over me as I hear your voice.

Maybe love is the pain I feel,
Lovers seperated by endless seas,
Tremulous smiles in the depths of night,
Lonely hearts linked by capricious wires.

Maybe love is the shining light,
Glowing deep within your magical eyes,
Unseen yet keenly felt despite the distance,
Two hearts embracing in wonderous unity of spirit.

Maybe love is the leap of joy,
Sensously tingling down my spine,
Licking at my heart like passionate flames,
Sweet tendrils of desire reaching out to bind.

Maybe love is the comfort of you,
Arms gently holding without imprisioning,
Soft sweet kisses alighting on musing lips,
True empathy of an all consuming delight in knowing.

� 1998 [email protected]

Music Banner
Once Upon A Lifetime.....� 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.

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