Words and Wounds

Words, how they can tear you apart
Raw savage music to a bloodied heart
Ripping into your soul like angry bullets
With each new hole fresh agony restarts

Crawling blind to reach your side
Riddled with acid verbs,eaten alive
Bleeding heavily from my wounds
Vowing to endure this insane ride

Arrangements of letters burn my soul
Insidious beauty of phrases now toll
Like Bleeding bells deafening my heart
I wonder anew at my ill fated role

How sickly sweet each lurid sentence
Unforgiving phrases show no repentance
Raining down on my wretched nakedness
Caught in your frenzy of verbal vengence

Trapped forlorn on the outside looking in
Wrapped in your shame as my eyes brim
Holding my heart out for your approval
Knowing words cannot redeem their own sins



�1999 by Hilary McPhee. may not be reproduced without written permission of the author

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