BTA-0113 plays Defender.
Anyone remember Defender?


23/08/2008 - Ram and Anne came back to the UK, and joined the gang, numbering 13 or more, to see The Clone Wars animated feature in Leicester Square. Understood to be attending two weddings in the country too.

Derek Tate

Sunday, 24 August, 2008:
'Carla and I still live in the same flat that we have been in since 2002, in Nuneaton, Warwickshire. She is a senior library assistant at the local library. I recently changed jobs and now work at Warwickshire County Council, based right in the centre of Warwick. I'm working on a major IT project to catalogue all of the council's map data, and create a corporate Geographic Information System (GIS) so that every staff member can access this data on their desktop over the intranet. I'm also still able to do a lot of cartography as part of the job.

We have recently bought our first car, a 2004 Ford KA, mainly for me to commute to work in and for Carla to practice in for her upcoming driving test.

This summer we had a little holiday in Amsterdam and had great fun visiting the *amazing* Tuschinski cinema - a wonder of art deco design.'

Paul Wright

For the third or fourth year, Paul has successfully organised a meetup in Green Park, London. About eighteen people turned up, laden with food and sports equipment, and a good time was had by all.

Craig Stevens

  After a couple of years working for 'The Man', Craig has returned to the type of business he loves best: running his own shop.
The new establishment is Simply Sci-Fi, "Collector's Basement", Westbourne Antiques Gallery, Westbourne Grove (off Portobello Road), London.

Jason Grant

Informally learning to read Spanish and code JavaScript.
As more things take up my time, I'm losing the words and phrases that I've learnt. However my efforts have been given a bit of a boost with this simple bit of coding to serve as a Spanish to English Test when I need it!

Suzanne Godsalve

Now Suzanne Sayer. Married.
Location: With husband Kevin, and son Jake, in Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire.

16-17 July - Happy Aniversary!.

    Jake Edward Sayers made his arrival at 0008 Wednesday 8 June and weighed in at 7lb 1oz.
It was a natural birth and Jake has been home three weeks tonight, and seems to be doing well, putting on over a pound in weight in the first fortnight so it will be interesting to see what he weighs next week.

Colin Smithson

To recap - since Jase didn't know this - Colin got married in 1997 to Hazel, and has a daughter born in 1999 called Romy. He is still working at the Steelworks in Scunthorpe.
Recently completed a 42 mile charity walk to raise £1500 for the local hospital.
Colin's own webpage is at .

Tim and Sharon

14/11/2005 - The couple have announced that they are getting engaged. I'm sure you will join me in extending congratulations best wishes to them both.
And because I did not put this up earlier, this is a pic of one of Tim's Lego projects, General Grevious' ill-fated cruiser, the Invisible Hand.
The Invisible Hand

Mark Richards

14/11/2005 - Mark has completed two of the OU courses he started - America in the 20th Century, and Governing Europe, and is 60% towards his degree. Have I got that right? After two years plus of study, he is looking at taking a year off.

Jamie Spracklen

December 2005 - "Been busy running a poetry and multimedia evening called SUNDOWN in Southend ( and also editing a magazine called Visionary Tongue (
Living with my girlfriend Sarah, still in Hadleigh, Essex.

Rik Blakey

    14/11/2005 - I purchased some tree logs from the sawmill. Here people burn hardwood as it is not valued like softwood, and it burns better anyway. I wanted 7 'cords' as I already have 3 in the basement, but ended up with another ten as the wood they sold me was under estimated.
I got it cheap and it is real nice white birch, and yellow maple but 25 tonnes was delivered instead of around 20.

My chainsaw is not really up to that much so I paid a local man to cut half for me. Luckily I had no chainsaw accidents however when it came to splitting the logs thats a different story. The splitters are slow moving but press a sharp end against the round log against a metal end piece.

I got my third finger on my right hand stuck between the end of the log and the metal plate. I crushed it, and at first thought something was broken as I have never see such a flat finger, but I was lucky. I have a black nail now and it was painful for a couple of weeks.
One good thing I found out was that the A &E department are fast, I was low priority and waited ten minutes? I am now slowly transporting the wood into the basement which is hard work. Next year I am going to get wood already cut and split and thrown into my basement [Yeah, good idea - Jase].
Rik and Ingrid's bundle of joy, 11 months old now. Click on the photo to see a larger image in its own window.

Rik says: "Leah had a first birthday in the summertime. We did not have a party as she is still too young but we marked the occasion with a little cake for her and far too many presents.
Her hair is growing thick and brown but her eyes have stayed blue/green. She has only had one cold recently and has been in excellent health. We take her regularly to get shots whenever she needs them. She has four front teeth and likes to bite things and took her first step at 13 months.
Every toy she has makes some stupid battery sound or tune and while she likes dancing about to them it drives me crazy.

Toria Hills

Got a Christmas card with new contact details (address and phone number) within the Coventry area. I'm assuming she still does hairdressing and entertaining at children's parties.

Joe Sales

Seated Rope castmembers

14/11/2005 - A welcome presence at the Empire Day in Cheshunt. Joe has been in three plays since the last one reported here, including 'Rope' based on the original (the Hitchcock movie of the same name relocated the story from London to New York).
The Colchester Theatre Group website has two photos featuring him for his roles in 'Rope' and 'A Separate Peace', under his stage name of Joseph Sales.


7/08/2005 - Has finally met (re-met?) Craig's Karen who is an old school friend from, um, school. Kind of stretching the probabilities of the 'small world' theory.

Leona Crutcher

Location: Bournemouth.
Attended the 'Festival of Speed' at the Goodwood Race track in June, which she describes as 'a load of petrolheads get together and watch loads of fast & famous cars speed along goodwood racetrack like Formula 1 cars & Le Mans cars etc.'. The Star Wars Indycar was there, but her photos came out too blurry.

Leona reports seeing Ewan MacGregor and Charley Boorman there, and says they are 'Nice blokes'.

Bob Cole

07/2005 - Travelled to the National Space Centre in Leicester, and met Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin.
Says it beats meeting Dave Prowse for the "umpteenth time"

Whatever does he mean?

Julie F. Rigby

07/2005 - Location: London, or thereabouts.
    Was a staff member for INTERACTION, the 63rd World Science Fiction Convention in Glasgow.

Future Events

Jamie and Theresa Pre-Xmas meetup 19th December. No data available
Organiser Location ---. Details

No update noted

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