Come on in and take a look at what I've drawn.And don't worry, I almost never eat guests.
Also, I've put all of my personal pictures, self-portraits and such, on a separate page. They aren't copy free the way these are, but go take a look anyway.

And finally what you've all been waiting for, Art from The Dragon Queen!

This page may take a while to load because of the pictures, just have patience.

I've finally had time enough from doing custom orders to draw a few new things just for the fun of it. So here's the first one, a firecat-dragon.

This is a Demichin Devilope from the planet Moth that I drew from descriptions in a book by Alan Dean Foster, one of my favorite authors.

Here's another from a Foster book, a furcot. I wasn't sure if they had a tail or not, but I wrote Mr. Foster a while back about copyrights on these pics, and I also asked about furcots. He said they don't have tails, so I got it right.

This is an Alaspinian Minidrag, also from Foster's books. And no, it isn't Pip, even though I named it that. I just wanted a name I could remeber. In case you haven't read the books, minidrags are empathic and also highly poisonous.

And here's another new one, a sort of alien thing that I doodled in the margins of my Political Geography class and re-traced and colored later. It would make a good side-bar, so if you'd like to have it, feel free.

This one was a lot of fun to do. I got thinking about the usual relationship between dragons and unicorns and decided to reverse it. It didn't turn out exactly as I'd intended, but overall, I like it fairly well.

And this was even more fun. I love to do bright colors. All too often when I'm doing orders, I end up with things that can't be done in rainbows. So I took the opportunity to be really colorful with this one.

Here is a rather good one, I think.� It comes from a joke about dragons that I wrote once.� "What did the dragon say about the latest knight to challenge him? 'Drat, overdone again' "

To see more of my art, check out my brand new site at Quelm!
Quelm in general
Specifically me

The Credits:

All artwork on this page is the property of

SPark*ling Image Graphics.

All the buttons, bars, and other doodads on this page are courtesy of

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