A few notes on the pronunciation of the dragonish language.

The dragonish tongue is not intended to be pronounced by humans, and for the most part I have rendered the conversations of dragons in the common tongue, but on several occasions I felt it necessary to have dragons speak in their own language. These notes are intended only as a guide to those who wish to have the correct pronunciations, and are not needed to enjoy my tale, but for those of you who are interested, dragonish can be approximated by a human speaker using to a few simple rules.

Also, on names, you can generally pronounce them however you feel like, but I felt I ought to give the correct pronunciation of the heroine. Her name, Serali, is pronounced similar to the English Sarah Lee, but with no break and with the accent on the second syllable, Ser-AH-lee.

(For the convenience of human readers, I have used common lettering to represent all dragonish phonics.)

A: is always ah, as in father.
CH: a soft sound, similar to the common "sh." D: as in common.
E: is always eh, as in egg.
F: as in common.
G: as in common, except when followed by "rr."
H: represents a back of the throat hiss, similar to the sound made by a cat, but softer.
I: is always ee, as in king
J: as in common.
K: represents a sharp snap. Cannot be properly voiced by human speakers, as they haven't got the teeth for it. Can be sounded as an extremely sharp "k" as in "kick."
L: as in common, except when followed by the final vowel of a word ending in a vowel, when it is not fully voiced, but flicked off the tongue sharply.
N: as in common.
O: is always oh, as in only.
Q: should be pronounced as in common, when followed by a "u" but is a softer "k" sound when alone.
R: as in common.
RR: a soft trilling sound, except when following a "g" when it is a hard growling sound.
S: as in common.
SS: a sharp hiss between the teeth.
SH: a softer hiss, also between the teeth.
T: as in common.
U: is always oo, as in truth.
V: as in common.
W: as in common.
X: as in common when following an "e", but pronounced with a soft "k" sound and a hiss when alone, as in seeks.
Z: as in common.

B, C, M, and Y are not used in dragonish, except in some human corruptions of dragonish words.

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