Assorted silly things.

Concert Disaters. A collection of funny stories about classical music concerts.

The Hosaphone Headquarters. For all musicians out there who are too poor to afford their own instrumnets, check out the hosaphone.*

Randon old-fashioned word generator. Words that are no longer used much, but that I find fascinating.

The Surrealist Compliment Generator. Find a bizarre compliment for that special someone...*

Sluggy Freelance One of the most bizarre and nifty comics on earth. Worship the comic! (I strongly reccomend that you start at the beginning, otherwise today's comic will make no sense.)

Kevin and Kell A terrific comic strip. Imagine a world where animals are civilized but still have to eat eachother? What would happen if a rabbit and a wolf fell in love? (See above note about starting at the beginning.)

On the Fastrack A sometimes fantasy comic about corporate life by the author/artist of Kevin and Kell. (See above about starting at the beginning)

Save Havens Also by the artis/author of Kevin and Kell, this is about school life in the "other" clique. (See above, etc...)

#Dragons yet another comic by Skylara, a friend of mine. Those of you who have never been a dragon in a chat room (or in a dragon chat room...) may be a little lost.

* Indicates a really well-done page.

Before you leave, I would appreciate it if you would send me your comments on my page and tell me if you noticed any typos, glitches etc.

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