Artists and Authors

just a note here... where possible, I've used buttons drawn by the artist in question when linking to their sites.

Moyra's Web Jewels Here's the person who did most of the button bar and background sets that I use on my page. That says it all.**

Dee Dreslough All I can say is wow! I wish I drew this good. And in addition to her artistic talents, Dee has also written a fascinating novel.**

DMentia Indeed Take a look around the world of DMented little Thori, a charming personality and a great artistic talent.*

D~Mentia's World By chance I happen to know two D Mentias (weird huh?) and the second one is at least as good of an artist as the first. Not to mention as least as loopy.*

The Domain of the Weredragon The page of a delightful artist, Myrror, who adopts out adorable cyberpets.

Rainbowfrog Another excellent artist who does a surprisingly wide variety of things.

Dunken co. A nifty little company that has kits so you can make your own cast lead figurines.

Lair of Doran Eirok Doran gets linked to twice because he's not only a friend, but also an artist and an author.

The North Forest The ongoing fantasy novel by Christine Jacobs.

* Indicates a really well-done page.

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All the buttons, bars, and other doodads on this page are courtesy of

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