Stephanie's Loony Bin.

He he he.
Ha ha ha.
Ho ho ho.
He he he!
Hoo Hoo Hoo.
Ha ha ha.
Ho ho ho.
He he he.
Ha ha ha.
Heh heh heh.
Hoo hoo hoo.
He he he he he he he he he he he...........

Sorry, got carried away there. Welcome to my loony life. Some of my companions here insist that I'm the sane one, but we know better, don't we?

Though I do admit to having a saner side. But let me introduce myslef first. I'm Stephanie Park, the original SPark (S. Park, get it?) I'm a loony person, yes, but I'm also an artist. I'm the one that's drawn most of the things you've seen as you met my other selves. (I didn't draw all of the buttons and things though, I have to give credit for them to Moyra, in most cases. Check out her link at the bottom, she's good, and free too.) My cyber-self is a little loonier than my RL self though, so if you want to see the real me, just keep reading.

All about ME! he, he, he.

This is the newest member of my family, Christen. She was born on February 26, at 3:10 pm. Weighing 8 bl. 3 oz, she's the biggest girl in our family at birth. She is so cute too! I'm thrilled to have her, though also a little stunned. You just don't expect to have a new sister a when you're nearly 20, and a whole 12 years after the last one too.

This is me, the best pic I have of myself and taken less than a year ago. I'm a student at SUU, currently majoring in Elementary Education and minoring in Music and Something Else (I haven't decided what yet.) I'm from a teeny tiny town called Toquerville. (if you havent' heard of it, I'm not surprised.) I love to read, mess around on the computer, sing, do silly things with my 13-year-old brother and his friends, draw, and hike, in pretty much that order. I have recently started doing drawings for people on the net. If you'd like one, just send me an e-mail, or tell me so when you sign the guest book I just installed, and I'll be happy to draw one for you. I'm afraid to say that it'll probably cost you money though :-( Trying to do free stuff was totally swamping me.

This is Garrick (hope he won't freak out at being put up here, he he he) My current significant other. No, we're not married, just dating, but we get along great, so maybe someday... Right now we're working on a little business venture in home page design. I handle the art, and he does the html stuff, which he is really good at. (Yep, I'm talking about SPark*ling Image Web Design.)

And here is my family, my brother the storm trooper on the left, myself as Boba Fett, my sister as Darth Vader, and my other brother as Yoda on the right. (The storm trooper is the 13-year-old, in case you can't tell)

And this is also my family, at Splash Mountain in Disneyland. My sister is in the front, I'm behind her, followed by my parents and my two brothers. This may be one of the few pictures that really captures my um... particular brand of insanity in such a weird way. Usually I just come across as a little odd, not as stark raving mad. My scanner doesn't like me, so several of my pictures came across rather dark. Many thanks to Garrick for fixing the problem.

After having an old picture af Al when he was seven or eight up forever, I've finally gotten a recent pic. He's a green belt in this picture, but actually, he just made red. Only one to go before black, and he does know what to do with that staff he's holding. The old picture was so much fun though, that I'm leavig it up for a while. Much to Al's dismay, I may add. He was hoping that I would get rid of it. Sorry Al, no such luck.

As if you hadn't guessed this by now, weirdness seems to run in my family. I have it, my youngest brother has it, and. . . My other brother has it.* Though to look at him today, you'd never know he was the same guy. The girls are just falling all over him these days.

And now, finally, I have a picture of the former youngest member of our little family here (her place has been usurped by Christen) She is also in karate, and though it doesn't show here, she's a green belt. And, may I add, much more coordianted than I am. Once when Al tried to show me an outside crescent kick, I kicked myself in the ankle and nearly sprained it.

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The Credits:

All pictures on this page is the property of:
SPark*ling Image Graphics.

All the buttons, bars, and other doodads on this page are courtesy of

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*Ok, it's corny, but how many of you recognised that as a sort-of quote from Star Wars? 1

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