To the Lair of The Purple Dragon.

I am SPark, The Purple Dragon. Come in and make yourself comfortable. Since if you did like I usually do and followed the links from top to bottom, this is the first of the "about" pages that you've visted so I ought to explain a little about us here at SPark's Multiple Personality Zone. First of all, let me explain about the name. I'm SPark, The Purple Dragon, as I said above. I'm not the "SPark" whose zone this is. "SPark" is a collective name for all of us. And the three you meet here are only the most active of us. There are dozens of us, most of which nobody ever has a clue about. Of course if you frequent the same chat rooms as we do, you may have happened to meet one of our shyer selves having a day out, since they occasionally chat at yahoo or at webnautics. The other thing you ought to know is that most of us exist only in cyberspace or on the pages of books or in pictures. Of however many dozen of us there are, only one, Stephanie, gets to go out in the real world often. Now occasionally "SPark" will do something in the real world, but when she does, she looks just like Stephanie, and the only way you can tell that all of us are along is by the way we act. You see, Stephanie is a fairly normal, sane college student, and well... most of us are very insane. So if you meet Steph acting crazy, you know who's behind it. Now that I've got that out of the way, I'll start talking about my favorite subject, myself!

I've already introduced myself, but I suppose I ought to tell a little about my name. Some people assume when I say "purple" that I mean "amethyst" Especially players of AD&D based role-palying games. One of us here is an amethyst, Shara, who doesn't have anything to do with this page at all, but I'm not amethyst, I'm purple.

I'm the one in charge of the fantasy art and literature sections. So the art gallery and the Dragon Queen stories, although produced by Stephanie, with help from "SPark" are managed by me. I also write the reviews and summaries in the bookstore (and if you've read any of the books I have and would like to write a review or sumary of your own, please do, I have more work than I can handle.) Of course knowing about me isn't neccessary to enjoy the page, but I'll tell you anyway. And you'd better listen, he he he, otherwise, I might get hungry. (just kidding) The picture above is quite accurate (It should be since Stephanie drew it) and it shows as much as most people want to know, but if you want to know more, check this out: I don't frequent news groups, but I happened to stumble on something used by alt.fan.dragons that is perfectly suited to describing me, so here's my dragon code, and if you want to decipher it, you can go to the Dragon code page and find out what it means.

DC.D f+ s(RL VR++) h+ P a $-- m- d+ WL++* Fr--- L(5)m F e+ g- i U!

Spiffy, isn't it? And saves another three pages or so worth of typing too.

I said above I didn't frequent news groups, and until recently I didn't go in for message boards either, but I just discovered the Excite Dragon Boards and boy have I been having fun! One of my fellow dragons draws pictures of the dragons that post there, and this is the picture she did of me. (She's also done a lot of other good stuff, and I've linked to her in my authors and artists section.) It's quite accurate too. The personality I use on the boards, SPark PurpleDragon, is a sub-personality of SPark, The Purple Dragon and besides looking different is somewhat more prone to do silly things like throw pies and pounce on people.

Well, I suppose that's enough about me. Head back to the main page and take a look at some of what I've done why don't you?


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All artwork on this page is the property of Spark*ling Image Graphics

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