
I am Bladespark Trethoniel, welcome to my home.

As you enter the forest glade, you look around to see who has spoken. You notice that one of the trees that borders the clearing, the largest one, has a door in its side. Standing in the doorway is a short and slender elven girl. She motions to you to come inside. Inside the tree is a cozy room. Looking arund, you realize that somehow the room is larger than the tree was. The elf seats herself and offers you a chair.

Welcome to my realm. I am the keeper of the portals. Others in this land manage the many things you will find here, but I hold power over the many ways of leaving this place. My duties are few though, and so I spend a great deal of time out in this virtual world, socializing with its other inhabitants. Perhaps you've met me in one the the places I frequent?

No? Well, a little aout myself then. I'm a Faery-Elf, that is half Faery, half Elf. My mother is the Elven half, though I haven't seen her in years. I was raised by my father, and I've taken well to Faery ways. She gives an impish grin. Including the creative use of acorns, say as missiles. I'm afraid I've also started pie fights on several occasions!

She rises to her feet again. Enough about me though, go back to the main room and take a look at the rest of this land. when you've seen all that you wish to see, choose one of my portal rooms and move on. She ushers you out the door and indicates the path back to the main room. Farewell!


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