My pets.

I have finally, as I've been meaning to do for a long time, given my pets separetae areas. It was getting rather crowded in here!
This is my gaurdian gryphon. He watches over and keeps safe all of my other pets. (He's the one I will send after you if I find out you have been copying my pets without permission!)

Click on Skan to go adopt a gryphon gaurdian of your own.
Toloth is another gaurdian, he helps Skandrannon protect my other creatures. You do not want to get him mad.

The Dragons Cavern
The Fantasy Forest
The Barnyard
Special pets room

Would you like to adopt a pet of your own? Well, most of the pats here have links back to where I got them, but now you can also adopt a pet form me, SPark. Go take a look at the pets I have to offer.

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