
Welcome to the sole bastion of sanity in my rather insane page. On all my other pages, you have seen things fantastic and silly, things that are wishes, hopes and dreams but that are not reality. Here though is a more serious side of my life.

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, commonly known as the Mormon church. I consider myself to be a religeous person, and my faith plays a large role in my life. So here I have several stories that I wrote in times of epiphany or inspiration. They can be considered fiction, but they are based on realty. These stories are not specific to the Mormon faith. They are merely things that I have found inspiring and wish to share with everyone. Other than the parable of the bicycle, they aren't even particularly Christian.

And if you start thinking of guys with seven wives driving covered wagons, or "spawn of satan" with little horns at the mention of the word "Mormon," maybe you ought to find out what we really believe. You can e-mail me (I love to talk religion) or visit the The Official Church Home Page. And no, I'm not out to convert you, I just don't want you to get any false ideas about me because of things you may have heard about my faith.

But never mind that. Here are my stories, I hope you enjoy them.

The Castle Gate
The Parable of the Bicycle
Of Girls and Teddy Bears
Unicorn Truths This one has a lot to do with what I believe about fantasy creatures. In every story I write, one of the characters is me, but in this one I'm not the little girl, I'm the psychiatrist. I wish that I could believe there really are dragons out there, and yet I can't quite bring mself to really believe... But I can't really explain it, you'll just have to read it and see for yourself.
A Cure for Insomnia I did this for my creative writing class, and it's roughly based on events in my own life.

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