Lost and found Department!

LOST: 2 heads! Part of a valuable collection! REWARD: A fabulous video-cassette of one of my God-like oratory speeches to the Centauri Senate. CONTACT: Cartagia, no. # 1 Imperial Way Blvd., Capital City, Centauri Prime zip...0000000000001-0001
LOST: One book of G'Quan! REWARD: Your continued existence. CONTACT: G'Kar, isolation cell no. # 1, Botany Bay Road, Capital City, C.P. (No fax's please!)
FOUND: One encounter suit. Initials on lapel-K.N. Contact: Captain Sheridan, B-5 Command room. e-mail...Jonsh@bab5/com
MISSING: One husband! Last seen on Z'Ha'Dum. Goes by the name Lorien. REWARD: Imortality, if found alive. Otherwise...2 front row seat tickets to the premier of the 36th remake of "Forever Amber". CONTACT: Laura Lorrien, P.O. Box 2, Abyss Lane, Z'Ha'Dum, or fax 1-800-Ancient Ones!
LOST: One used sword, one pair of pink gum-jamies. REWARD: We'll talk about it! CONTACT: Arthur, from Avalon! Late deliveries at rear of building, please!


SKYDIVING LESSONS: CONTACT: Kosh Naranek, Apartment 14, level 12, B-5.
FORTUNES TOLD and mind reading lessons. First 3 minutes *FREE*!! CONTACT: Alfred Bester, PSI Corps, Earth, or, Fax 1-800-ylb-sorry!
REALESTATE DEAL: 32,000 acres of prime..'leveled' realestate! Huge nearby 'abyss' convertable to city dump, or state your needs. Slightly radioactive, but hey, a bargain just the same. Close to 'Super Shadow Mall' and many nearby caves for the speleologist enthusiast! CONTACT: Shadow Realty, no. # 46 Spider Turnpike Way, Z'Ha'Dum.
HIT MAN WANTED: For offing a screwed-up Emperor. Astounding advancment opportunities. CONTACT: G' care of - Londo Mollari, Desperation Alley, Capital City, Centauri Prime. All reasonable replies answered.
REAL ESTATE SPECIAL: One class M planet for sale. Time is of the essence. Must sale...Cheap! Contact Centauri Republic Realters.
FOR SALE: One encounter suit, like new! If you got the cash, do I got a suit for you! No questions asked. Contact Captain Sheridan, B-5.
FOR SALE: One White Star. Good Wheels. Slightly used. Radioactive half life of 600 years. A bargain at 4,000 credits. CONTACT: Honest Sam Spider's used flyers and cruisers Emporium, Shadow City, Z'Ha'Dum.
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