Since I've been collecting for a little while now (and have had some success with this page) my 'wants list' is constantly expanding and contracting. For this reason I thought it best to put it on a page separate from the main trading area. Don't worry if you want to trade but don't have anything on this list - make a pitch, I might be interested! Also, if you do have something I want but don't need anything on my 'to offer' list then please inquire about an 'off-list' trade.

Note: Ideally everything you have to offer should be of VG condition or above.

Novels and short story anthologies wanted...

I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon
The Philip K. Dick Reader

I'm always interested in hardbacks or any of the American Vintage paperback editions that I don't yet own.
Please ask if you have any going spare.

Pulps and Magazines wanted...

1964 (as by Jack Dowland)

Fantastic Universe
June/July 1954, Oct 1954

Fantasy Fiction
June 1953, Aug 1953

Fantasy and Science Fiction
Nov 1952

Galactic Outpost
Spring 1954

Sept 1952, Sept 1953, May 1954, Aug 1954, Nov 1954,
March 1955, April 1955, Aug 1955, Nov 1955,
Dec 1958, July 1959, Sept 1959

#8 Summer 1984

Dec 1954, June 1955

Orbit Science Fiction
Nov-Dec 1954 (No. 5)

Planet Stories
July 1952, Sept 1952, May 1953, Jan 1954, May 1954

Playboy (I just want it for the articles...;-)
Dec 1980

Satellite Science Fiction
Dec 1956

Science Fiction Quarterly
May 1953

Science Fiction Stories
Jan 1957

Letters, collections etc. wanted

Robots, Androids and Mechanical Oddities
In pursuit of VALIS (exegesis extracts edited by Sutin)
Only Apparently Real - edited by Williams
Any volumes of the selected letters

Other stuff wanted

Michael Bishop - Philip K. Dick is Dead, Alas

I'm always interested in trading for the following:
Foreign language editions with interesting covers
Photocopies of interviews/articles that I don't have

Can you help?

[email protected]


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