I Pull Away You take my hand I pull away Too much pain, Betrayal, Broken hearts. Secrets, Demons in my soul, They eat away at me, and, I pull away. To love again, It would be nice, But I don't need love, I stand alone. I toss you aside, I pull away. I look in your eyes, See the love, The friendship, and the concern. I know I love you to, but tooo much has hurt me, I pull away, You don't let me? You say that I do] Need Love. Ha I've lived without it, Long enough, To know, Loneliness becomes me. Go find someone who will Love yoy, cherish you. I pull away, You say you don't need, Don't want, Don't love, Anyone else. Just me, Why me? Because I am Still I pull away. Because I am The one you love. You don't know why, It is just somehting You can't control. Something that is, Something you say Always will be. A tear I don't pull away, In my eye. I love you.