Beam Weapons

When energy weapons were first made readily available to the common soldier, power armor design was still in it's infantsy, still incorporating chargeable batteries with a limited operation field of time, with this in mind, little thought was put towards energy weapons being commonly mounted or incorporated into Power Armor units, until shortly after the first nuclear power plants were being put within the units. After that time it seemed destined that all power armor units would carry at least one energy weapon of some sort, to prevent the disaster from ever occuring in which a pilot would run out of ammo on the battle field. S-mart has treated this tradition respectfully, by making many various types of energy weapons.
Light Pulse Laser LPL-2Mk1: This is the lightest of the beam weapons currently employed by Desert Star for mounting on a Power Armor unit. It is meant to be used as a precision weapon, to strike at vulnerable sensors faceplates, hydrolics, ect. It can also be used as a back up weapon. It's major strongpoint is it's light weight, and small size.
Light Pulse Laser LPL-2Mk2: A highly useful integral system. It is not a weapon in the traditional sense, but more of a defensive weapon as it's designed specifically as an anti missle system. It utilizes the traditional LPL-2Mk1 as well as a sophisticated beam splitter, that is integrated with the combat computer. In effect it creates a beautiful peacock like array of laser beams that covers a 180 degree area for five seconds, but then the system must be cooled for a full melee after. (Must be mounted in this area for it's effect to be applicable. Can be mounted on the front or back.) designed to wipe out mini missle volleys before they become a threat. If anything is foolish enough to come within the area of effect of this system, the pilot may elect to fire the system off at the target inflicting an incredible 2D6x10+6MD, which gives the target little if any chance of dodging, even with these two factors in mind it is rarely used this way, as most power armor pilots fear mini missles too much!! (For damage against mini missles, simply reguard the deadly missiles destroyed. )
Light Pulse Laser LPL-3Mk1: Yet another light weapon designed for presision or backup. It is the equivalent in power to many borg rail guns, and other pulse lasers such as the TX-30 or the L-20 Pulse Rifle. It is normally mounted in the forearm or chest section of the power armor.
Heavy Pulse Laser HPL-4Mk1: This heavy pulse laser was developed to support a heavier weapon such as a RFFC or RG. This is the Arm mounted version. It utilizes the same systems present in the Wilks 457, which does not go to say that it is a "457" but is very close in structure.
Heavy Pulse Laser HPL-4Mk2: This cousin to the Mk1 is the Rifle version. Created to be the primary weapon system to lighter units, it often serves at it's task well, capable of inflicting severe damage to lighter PA units.
Heavy Pulse Laser HPL-6Mk1: This system was originally designed with the intent of phasing out the ammo necessary RFFCs. however the priorities began changing when the the point was brought up that the RFFC is not impeded by any kind of Damage resistant armor, unlike any kind of pulse laser which is vulnerable to such things as Glitterboy units. It is another forearm mounted weapon designed for use by heavier units.
Assault Laser Cannon ALC-1Mk1: Originally designed by the US Air Defense to be mounted on an orbital unit of powered armor. This never occured however the ALC lives on in several of Desert Stars' units, including one, the Stinger which was incidently one of those designed to be an orbital interceptor. It is a heavy cannon that works off of the same principle as any pulse laser, however this cannon builds a charge and then releases it as one ultra intense beam of light.
Assault Laser Cannon ALC-2Mk1: An interesting addition to powered armor systems, as this was originally an ALC-1Mk1 that has been retrofitted with an enlarged cylinder surrounding the primary light amplification lense, and with a computer targeting system integrated. These modifications were first made by Military genious in the faraway nation of Wa-Daisho, where they modified them with two settings, blue green, and standard. The only reason behind the two different settings is that as of this time neither Desert Star nor Wa-Daisho have perfected the blue green frequency, and therefore are not as powerful as their standard frequencies. As a gesture of goodwill Wa-Daisho shared this design and specs free of charge with Desert Star.
Mammoth Plasma Cannon PC-1Mk1: The first plasma cannon produced by Desert Star for use by powered armor. It is a large hulking weapon not unlike those of CS or Northern Gun design, with striking similarities to the NG-E12, but with a solid stock, and a slightly more eliptical shape than tubular.
Name Damage ROF/Attack* Range Space Cost Weight MDC
LPL-2Mk1 3D6MD 1 1,200' 1/2 10,000 4Lbs 10
LPL-2Mk2 Special Special 60' 3 75,000 45Lbs 20
LPL-3Mk1 6D6MD 3 1,600' 1 20,000 9Lbs 15
HPL-4Mk1 1D6x10MD 3 2,000' 2 40,000 10Lbs 25
HPL-4Mk2 " " " N/A 35,000 30Lbs 75
HPL-6Mk1 2D4x10MD 3 3,000' 3 95,000 50Lbs 45
ALC-1Mk1 1D6x10MD 1 1,800' 2 80,000 25Lbs 40
ALC-2Mk1 1D4/D6x10MD 1 1,800' 2 150,000 30Lbs 50
PC-1Mk1 1D6x10MD 1 2,000' 2 95,000 24Lbs 45

*ROF/Attack: This is how many shots are fired per attack.

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