Audio-Visual, Communications, and Special Sensors

The following systems are, of course, vitally important for maintaining the suit's combat effectiveness and coordination with its unit. All of the following systems must be placed in the head or torso of the power armor, unless specifically excepted. Up to 4 "1/4-space" items may be combined as a suite, taking one space on the Power Armor Data Form. A suite uses the combined MDC of it's components. Some of these items are standard with the more advanced Reality Interfaces. All visual options can be placed in sensory extentions, similar to the ones used in the Prowler cyborg.

Commo Link: Standard Military radio. This is the same radio as is standard in the Glitterboy USA-G10, range 500mi. If the suits are bought in large numbers, (As to be used in a merc unit.), they will come with military IFF transponders. 1/4-space
Cellular Phone: A regular cell system, but with longer range (Can link into urban networks from a distance of 20mi) Does not work underground or through mountains without repeater stations.
Scrambler: It is compatable with both previously mentioned systems, a scrambler allows coded communication which can only be understood by another scrambler equipped suit that has the propper scrambler combination. For an additional 5,000 credits, a scrambler can equiped with a processor that provides the correct combination 20% if the time, (or a +25% to the skill radio scramblers/cryptography),allowing listening in on intercepted conversations.
Laser Communication: This allows the PA suit to communicate within line of sight of other similarly equiped PA units. It cannot be jammed but can be tapped, by stepping into the line of sight.
Sonic Communications System: This is effectively a form of UW communications that utilizes short frequency vibrations to communicate with other similarly equipped units. The only disadvantage to this system is that it cannot be directional, and can be intercepted by anyone within the 50 mi range.
Sensory Extentions: The equivalent power armor system to the system used in the prowler cyborg. These antennae mount optics audio pickups which can poke around corners and transmit images to the pilot, without exposing the entire suit. The suit must have at least wide band aperture interface to properly utilize these extentions. Average length is 1 & 1/2' , External mount on arm, torso, or head space.
Remote Targeting: This is a realtime link for use with a foreward observer. The observer must transmit his data (Gathered by observation or electronic systems) via this link to the unit attempting indirect fire, or launching indirect guided weapons. This provides a substantial bonus to accuracy. (+4 to strike)
Anti Dazzle: Automated polarization.
Low Light: Nightvision: 2,000'
Infra Red: IRs: 2,000'
Thermal Targeting: Thermograph: 2,000'
Telescopic Optics: TOs: 6,000'
Image Enhancement: IEs: 6,000'
A/V Recorder: Like a multi media VCR, this recorder is fed through the primary senses of the troopers Power Armor and can record up to six hours of data on a single 2 in Compact Disk Unit holds two disks.
Radar: 10mi standard range. 50mi enhanced radar
Sonar: Sonic Emitter/Detector systems gives the Power armor suit sonar, capable of detecting solid objects within 50mi. It can only be jammed through a huge amount of focused noise, such as an explosion. If sonar is not actively searching, it can be used to listen in on specific noises via shotgun extention mike at 200mi!
Magnetometer: Also known as a Magnetic Anomaly Detector, this unit detects large masses of metal within 300' Not very usefull in urban situations, but a good way of detecting hidden vehicles or Power armor in rural terrain. Magnetometers are excellent for detecting rail guns. The magnetic spike of a firing rail gun can be detected at 3x the range of the weapon!!
Laser Detector: This device is used to detect any and all targeting systems utilising a laser system. It can also be used to identify the laser based weapon system striking the equiped vehicle, and the power level of the laser.
Microwave Detector: This is basicly a radar detector, as most radar waves are microwaves. Most often this system is used to detect guided missles, but can also pick up on vehicle based radar, and used as a tracking device has a range of 20 miles. Unlike the Laser detector, the Microwave detector is vulnerable to microwave based weapon systems, and will effectively be burned out if it is fired upon by such a weapon.
Painting Laser Targetting System: This is basically as it sounds. A laser targeting system mounted upon a mini turret that constantly keeps the prime target focased upon to allow the pilot a greater measure of accuracy.

Name Weight Spaces Cost MDC
Commo Link 10Lbs 1/4 25,000
Cell Phone 2Lbs 1/4 5.000
Scrambler N/A 1/4 5,000
Laser Com 10Lbs 1/4 70,000
Sonic Com 5Lbs 1/4 120,000
Sensory Ext. 2Lbs 1/2 5,000 20 MDC
Remote Targeting 1 Lb 1/2 8,000
Anti-Dazzle N/A 1/4 2,000
Low Light N/A 1/4 2,000
Infra-red N/A 1/4 4,000
Thermal Targeting N/A 1/4 5,000
Telescopic N/A 1/4 1,500
Image Enhancement N/A 1/4 4,500
A/V Recorder 2Lbs 1/4 3,000
Radar 5 Lbs 1/2 10,000
Sonar 10Lbs 1 20,000
Magnetometer 20 Lbs 1/4 30,000
Laser Detector N/A 1/4 10,000
Microwave Detector N/A 1/4 50,000
Painting Laser 10Lbs 1 40,000 20 MDC

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