S-Mart SM-PA13 "Everest" Power Armor
S-Mart SM-PA13 "Everest" Power Armor

      Another of S-Mart's new stunning line of civilian power armor units. The Everest, named after the reputed highest mountain on Earth, was designed specifically with mountain rescues in mind. Unlike the Firedrake, who's sensitive systems can be shut down easily in a combat situation, the Everest was designed to face combat in mountainous terrain. Although lightly armed for it's size, it was realized that the Everest could be hundreds of miles from any major city when in use and will inevitably encounter combat in the mountains that typically foster all sorts of dangers.
      In it's primary purpose, the Everest is unmatched in Mountain Rescue by any other suit or vehicle built before or since the Everest.

Model Type: SM-PA13
Class: Civilian Mountain Rescue Robotic Exo-Skeleton. (CMRRES)
Crew: 1; At lower altitudes the Everest will typically work in conjuncture with 2 or so men wearing jet packs, or an aerodyne or two. Depending on the extensiveness of the search this could be vastly increased.
M.D.C. by Location:
    Arms(2)-120 each
    Legs(2)-150 each
    *Bolt Gun-20
    *Sensory Extention(1; head)-25
    **Main Body-250
* These are small and difficult targets to hit, thus a penalty of -3 to strike will result in any actions taken against the designated areas.
** Depleting the MDC of the Main Body means that the power armor suit is in tatters.
Note: Unlike the Firedrake, the Everest WAS designed to allow some measure of combat effectiveness. Although it may be heavily armored, it's weapons are still comparatively weak, and are only intended for defensive purposes of both the pilot and of those who it would be rescuing. (S-Mart has produce 25 SM-PA13 Mk2's, specifically for the Desert Star NOMADs, which are military outfitted versions of the Everest, with heavier forearm weapons (5D6MD/1,600' range), a camo paint scheme, and 25MDC more on the Main Body. These types have not been offered on the market directly due to a very little demand for such a unit. The NOMAD's use them as foreword scouts and spotters that use their forearm painting laser to "Paint" targets for aircraft or artillery.)
Running Speed: 60 mph maximum. Note that the act of running does tire out it's operator, but at 20% the usual fatigue rate.
Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap 20' high or across unassisted by the leg thrusters. The leg thrusters provide a leap of 100' high and 175' across.
Flying: Not Possible. Jet Packs cannot even be used due to the back mounted harness. The Everest Suit is typically air lifted to the suspected zone and then deposited via aerodyne, helicopter, osprey, or jet aircraft, using it's leg thrusters to slow it's fall and direct it to a landing zone. This aircraft then serves as a relay station to the rescue crew's headquarters from the Everest's suits Command Computer.
Climbing: Using just the climbing claws at full tilt, the Everest can climb at 2.3 miles per hour, this is not taking into account time taken to find hand & footholds, proper climbing routes etc.. Doing this allows the Everest to climb most mountains at 5,000' an hour, also remember that large areas can be jumped over and skipped altogether using jet assisted leaps, and the Grapnel launcher.
Statistical Data:
Height: 8'
Length: 5'2"
Width: 5'
Weight: 548 Lbs.
Physical Strength: Equal to a PS of 30.
Cargo: Several cargo spaces are incorporated into the Everest, and come fully loaded. In the right forearm, a small door can be opened to reveal 20 12" Barbed Metal Spikes. In the left arm the same type of door opens to reveal three pulley rigs, two pairs of hand cuffs, and five pairs of cloth gloves. In the right leg a large storage compartment contains 50 10" spikes. In the left leg a similar compartment contains two canteens of water, two weeks of rations, four battery powered heated blankets, and 100' of lightweight cord. In the front of the torso in the stomach region is a bin for a 10" bolt gun and 50 more 10" spikes, with a first aid kit mounted slightly above this bin. On the exterior of the Everest the following items are carried on pegs, clasps, etc.; 1 oxygen tank and mask under each forearm, (2 hour air supply), on the right leg 1,000' of slender 2,640 Lbs test cable is wound upon a built in pair of pegs, in addition to 10 more 10' spikes. The left leg carries the specialized Mountaineer's Axe, on a retractable fairing. In an emergency the Everest can carry up to 8 more oxygen tanks on it's body or could carry an extra bin similar to the bolt gun's bin, full of supplies.
Power System: Nuclear; Average Energy Life is 5 years.
Market Cost: 1.2 million credits. Typically comes in Rescue Yellow with reflector bands of black and florescent yellow on the biceps and calves of the armor.
Systems of Note:
Light Sensitive Polarized Light Filters: Protects the wearer from ice glare and looking up a mountain into the sun.
Nightvision: Allows the rescue worker to see perfectly in darkness, as well as into shadows 2,000' away.
Telescopic Optics: Allows the rescue worker to extend the range of his/her normal vision or Nightvision to 6,000'
Image Enhancement: This allows the rescue worker to "blow-up" any image on his HUD, up to 10x it's normal size.
Infra-Red: This allows the wearer to see infra red light, ie heat, up to 2,000' away.
Military Radio: This allows the rescue worker to keep in contact with the rescue crews, and on some instances, with the person(s) in distress, up to 500 miles away. Note: Mountains interfere with radio signals, meaning, that the Everest usually uses it's support aircraft as a relay station for communications.
Audio & Visual Recorder: A silent, unseen partner to the rescue worker inside, to bare unbiased witness to all situations encountered.
Command Computer: This special system allows the Everest to relay all audio and visual signals via radio waves to the support aircraft, for use in joint operations, and for broadcast to either news/media or to the rescue worker's headquarters.
Homing Beacon: This pulsing beacon broadcasts the suits location via intensity of it's pulse, range of 500 miles.
Painting Laser: This, in it's typical rescue role, can be used by the suit to point the location of victims unreachable to the suit, but accessible to it's supporting aircraft or fellow Everest Pilot. This is simply done by pointing the laser at the victim, (it is mounted in the outside side of it's left gauntlet), and holding it there until the support craft/fellow rescue unit meets the beam and follows it to the victim. (In the SM-PA13 Mk2's, it can be used to paint targets for laser guided missiles.)
Laser Detector: This device is used to follow another rescue worker's painting laser to it's ending.
Sensory Extension: On the left rear side of the Everest's helmet is a telescoping "periscope" type device that can be used to see around corners and over ridges to find victims, or to spot danger. Any of the suits optics may be used through it. (Has a 2' reach.)
Laser Drill Spikes (Special!): Two large cylinders, one on either side of the waist hold a miniature version of the laser drill anti-sway pylons used by the Glitter Boy. Thse foot and a half long spikes are used on sheer cliff faces to secure the suit to the cliff face freeing up the arms to conduct other tasks.
Food Filtration Unit: This system allows the wearer of the Everest to operate up to two and a half days without stopping for food or waste.
Climber Claws: These sturdy finger mounted claws, allow the Everest to scale sheer mountain faces without difficulty. There is a set of claws in each hand, as well as each foot. As hand to hand weapons, the climbers add a nasty cutting element to the brute force. +1D6MD to slash/punches, and kicks.
Winch, Cable & Grapnel Launchers(2): This additional system allows the suit to elevate itself via winch, swing from one spot to another, etc, with the ease of a swinging monkey. The range of the spring mounted grapnel, and cable is an amazing 300', and can safely haul one and a quarter tons of weight. Spikes can be used instead of the grapnel (12" Barbed), to imbed in rock faces for use of pulley rigs, or just for swinging, these are located in the palms of the unit.
Jump Jets: These leg mounted thrusters allow the rescue worker to scale vast heights in only a matter of minutes. It can also be used to slow and even direct a fall/jump from great heights.
Bolt Gun: This bulky pistol like gun is used to drive 10" spikes into rock for attachment of clips for rope, cable, and even harnesses in an emergency. Although it's pneumatic system is considered powerful by any measure, it is not intended to be used as a weapon. If used as such it's range is a mere 50' and inflicts 1D4MD. It is carried in it's stomach/torso storage bin, along with 50 10" spikes. (See cargo for details.) It weighs 30 Lbes, and it's spikes/bolts, must be loaded one at a time.
Flare Gun: This arm mounted tube is on the outside side of the right arm, and must be loaded with one flare at a time. It typically uses white parachute type flares, 10 extra flares are secured to the right leg.
Back Mancarrier Harness: A pair of built in harnesses are found on the back of Everest with handles, allows the Everest to carry two human sized passengers without interfering with movement. In a special bracket, between the harness and the harness on the Everest is a Backboard for any seriously injured people.
Full Environmental Systems: The Everest comes fully equipped with all the standard Environmental features of common power armor types.
Weapon Systems:
1. Plasma Cannons(2): On top of each forearm is a medium plasma cannon for defense, and it's occasional military involvement.
Primary Purpose: Defense.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Monster.
Mega-Damage: 3D6MD per blast.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilot's combined hand to hand attacks.
Maximum Effective Range: 1,500'
Payload: Effectively Unlimited; Thanks to the nuclear power supply.
2. Hand to Hand Combat Abilities: Equal to Basic or Elite Power Armor Combat Elite Abilities.
Description: The Everest is similar in body styling to the Triax T-31 Super Trooper, but has an oval helmet, with the filtration system over the mouth, and a huge visor that leads from just above the filtration system to halfway on top of the head to permit a great field of vision. The gauntlets and chest/torso section employs a very streamlined appearance to prevent snagging on rock faces, with equipment draped over the legs, arms, and storage compartments in each limb and in the torso.
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