S-Mart SM-PA12 "Firedrake" Power Armor
S-Mart SM-PA12 "Firedrake" Power Armor

      The first in S-Mart's new series of civilian field power armor units. The Firedrake, is a fire fighter's dream. An augmented exoskeleton with heat insulation, and an independent oxygen supply. Among it's fire fighting arsenal is a high pressure foam cannon with a five minute sustainable pressurized tank, a fireman's axe, and two pop up Short Range Missile Launchers on it's back, typically loaded with Fire Retardant Short Range Missiles, or Water Burst TW Short Range Missiles.

Model Type: SM-PA12
Class: Civilian Fire Fighting Robotic Exo-Skeleton. (CFFRES)
Crew: 1; Each suit functions best with a support crew of 3-4.
M.D.C. by Location:
    Arms(2)-30 each
    Legs(2)-65 each
    Foam Cannon-20
    Foam Cannister-25
    Pop-Up Missile Launchers(2; Back)-10 each
    **Main Body-95
* The head is a small and difficult target to hit, thus a penalty of -3 to strike will result in any actions taken against the head.
** Depleting the MDC of the Main Body means that the power armor suit is in tatters.
Note: The Firedrake was designed specifically as a fireman's tool of infinite quality and usefulness. It is not by any means a combat suit which will show if combat is encountered. Any focused damage (ie lasers, rail gun rounds, missile impacts, particle beams, etc.-the Firedrake is designed to withstand indirect explosions however.) taken in excess of 10MDC will see an 80% chance of causing 1D4 systems to shut down or malfunction. If more than 50 MDC is inflicted to the suit there is a 20%+5% chance per 1 MDC over 50 that all systems except the life support systems will shut down. (Life support systems will not shut down unless the MDC of the Main Body is depleted.)
Running Speed: 50 mph maximum. Note that the act of running does tire out it's operator, but at 20% the usual fatigue rate.
Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap up to 20' high or across unassisted by the leg thrusters. The leg thrusters provide a leap of 60' high, and 100' across.
Flying: Not Possible. Jet packs cannot even be used due to the pop up missile launchers and the foam cannisters back mount location.
Statistical Data:
Height: 7'
Length: 4'6"
Width: 4'
Weight: 255 Lbs unloaded, 370 Lbs loaded.
Physical Strength: Equal to a PS of 25.
Cargo: The left arm contains four insulated fireproof blankets, and a small oxygen apparatus. The right leg has a small storage compartment with four 6" barbed spikes and two folded repelling harnesses. Also two fire extinguisher reloads are carried externally on the legs.
Power System: Nuclear; Average Energy life is 5 years.
Market Cost: S-Mart made it a point to try to make this unit as effective as possible while also keeping the price down by sacrificing unnecessary components which have come to be known as standard on other power armor types like radar, heavy armor, weapons, etc. This suit is available at a low cost of 480,000 credits, and can be purchased by way of payments if being made by a small town. The new Firedrakes typically come in Fire Engine Red, Rescue Yellow, Florescent Yellow, or Chartruse.
Systems of Note:
Light Sensitive Polarized Light Filters.: This prevents a fire fighter from becoming blinded by fire light or explosions.
Nightvision: Allows the fire fighter to see somewhat better in smoke filled rooms, or into shady areas children or others may try to hide from fire, up to 2,000' away.
Image Enhancement: Grants the fire fighter computerized assistance in enhancing visual images like looking for bodies, possible fire causes, etc.
Thermal Optics (Special!): Shows areas of heat in a sequence of colors from cool to very hot, and gives a digital readout of how hot a door is for example, and allows the fire fighter to find hot spots in a fire to try to take it out at it's core. (Works in conjuncture with it's short range missile's targeting systems.) This system works up to 2,000' away.
Military Radio: Allows the fire fighter to keep authorities informed on the current situations inside. In small towns this also allows the fire fighter to request assistance of other fire fighting forces within the radios range. Can broadcast up to 500 miles.
Audio/Visual Recorder: A silent unseen partner to the fire fighter to bare unbiased witness to all situations encountered.
Thermal Insulation (Special!): The suit is air tight and could stand in the core of any but the hottest of fires, (750 degrees centigrade!), without risk of harm to either the equipment or personnel within.
Extended Life Support: Unlike standard battle armor there is a very good chance the drake will end up in a situation that may require an independent oxygen supply. Though the Firedrake is infinitely stronger than an unarmored human fire fighter, the fire drake is just as susceptible to being buried and isolated as the human fire fighter. Thus the oxygen supply was doubled to 16 hours, which should be ample time for to be dug out.
Jump Jets: Thes allow a fire fighter to avoid a lengthy climb up stairs or ladders, by simply jumping nearly to a 6 story hight!
Winch, Cable & Grapnel Launcher: This permits the fire fighter to span large horizontal distances not appropriate for leaping. Maximum range is 300', due to the spring loaded mechanism the grapnel is attached to. The cable is very strong, and capable of supporting a whopping one and a quarter tons! The fire fighter can also detach the grapnel from the cable and replace it with one of four barbed 6" metal spikes carried by the unit, (See Cargo.), and can fire it down from a building at an angle, imbedding into grass and concrete alike. This can be used by victims to slide down via a hand pulley or repelling harness, to the awaiting ground crew. The fire fighter then detaches the cable from the spike via winch controls and winches the cable back in.
Fire Extinguishers (2; 1 under each forearm.): These CO/2 foam systems are used to clear doorways and small rooms for rescue operations. Each use will successfully extinguish a 6' diameter area of fire. This can be done four times per arm before needing to be reloaded.
Vibro-Fireman's Axe: More of a stylish addition, keeping true to pre-rift culture. These axes however still to this day are an indispensable tool for fire fighting. They are used by the "Drake" for chopping through Mega-Damage beams, walls, or doors, pull up floorboards, and countless other uses. As a distant, but unfortunate reality, the Vibro-Fireman's Axe also becomes a weapon if faced by a crazed arsonist, or a creature creating the destruction, most often as a means of defense while the fire fighter retreats and calls in the military or police. As a weapon the axe inflicts 3D6MD. A carrier harness is found on the right leg.
Retractable Forearm Chainsaw: Another tool used to clear pathways, but more frequently used to free victims from fallen debris that cannot be lifted. In forest fire fighting it is also useful in clearing fire breaks. As a weapon the chain saw inflicts 3D6MD per attack. It is found in the right forearm.
Foam Cannon: This large pistol like distributer is connected to two large foam tanks via a hose system. As previously mentioned these two foam tanks carry approximately 5 minutes worth of foam. This may not seem like much, but is oftentimes enough to clear pathways, doorways, and rooms long enough to rescue fire victims. When in simple fire fighting mode, a Drake fire fighter can handle a fire hose independently, without need of carrying the bulky water tanks, a fighter would then draw off of a hydrant, tanker truck, or direct pump method.
Flip-Up Back Mount Short Range Missile Launchers(2): These two fire retardant short range missiles are carried on the back, shielded by insulated electrically operated cover plates. When ready for use the plates move and the missiles swing up and over the shoulders in boom bun fashion. The Thermal Optics described previously typically sends these missiles either directly into a hot spot or fire source or sends it over/through the hot spot dispersing it's load as it passes, and deactivates via radio signal from the power armor pilot when it has passed out of the hot zone. (This second method would be done to prevent the minor chance of the remaining rocket fuel from creating a small explosion, but these missiles for the most part are shielded and are in no danger unless the temperature of the flames the missile comes to rest in is over 450 degrees centigrade.) Heavy High Explosive Short Range Missiles can be substituted for the Fire Retardant Missiles, for the use of blowing out oil fires. (The specialized thermal optics of the Firedrake makes this a comparatively easy job of a pre-rift nightmare situation!) See Fire Retardant Missiles for details on their effects.
Description: The Firedrake is a light suit slightly reminiscent in general body appearance to the Flying Titan Power Armor, but without the wings and bulky jet pack.

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