The S-Mart SM-PA03 Mk2 "Interceptor II/Kamiken"

      The SM-PA03 Mk2 was co-developed by S-Mart design staff, and Wa-Daisho military experts, using the initial "Interceptor" design as it's basis. This development began about three years after S-Mart began developing war machines, when it was seen that Wa-Daisho needed a unique, and all around adaptable full combat power armor unit. When the military specialists finally came to a conclusion of what they were seeking in a power armor unit, they finally decided that a variant of the original "Interceptor" would be the most economical and effective choice that they could make. Shortly after the technicians unveiled the "Interceptor II" Wa-Daisho negotiated a purchase of the designs and production secrets of the "Interceptor II" and began building it under contract, renamed "Kamiken".
      The "Interceptor II" is not much different externally from the original "Interceptor", but despite it's external appearance, the "Interceptor II" is very different from it's predecessor in weapons, capabilities, and general systems.

S-Mart SM-PA03 Mk2 "Interceptor II/Kamiken"
Model Type: SM-PA03 Mk2
Class: Medium Strategic Assault Power Armor.
Crew: 1.
M.D.C. by Location:
    Arms(2)-100 each.
    Legs(2)-150 each.
    **Multi-Use Thruster Pack-120.
    *Laser Assault Cannons(2)-50 each.
    ***Main Body-300.
* These designated areas of the armor are small and difficult targets to hit, so therefore may only be struck with a penalty of -3 to strike.
** The Multi-Use Thruster Pack is a quad-thruster pack mounted on the unit's back. The two middle thrusters are designed for taking in water, and pushing it out the lower part of the thruster at great speeds, while the two outer thrusters are genuine jet thrusters.
*** Once the MDC of the unit is depleted, the armor is in tatters resulting in a total systems shut down.
Maximum Running Speed: 120 mph; Note that the act of running does tire it's operator, but at 10% the usual fatigue rate.
Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap 15' high or across without the jet thrusters. A jet thruster assisted leap can hurl the unit up to 100' high or across.
Maximum Flying Speed: The unit can fly at a maximum speed of 120 mph, at an altitude of up to 3,000' for up to 5 hours before requiring at least an hour cooling period.
Maximum Swimming Speed: 4 mph using typical swimming type motions. The unit may also propel itself at up to 40 mph underwater via use of the underwater thrusters. Additionally the unit may run along the bottom of the ocean at half it's normal running speed.
Maximum Safe Diving Depth: The unit is safe from the water tight seal being ruptured up to 300' in depth.

Statistical Data:
Height: 7'.
Width: 4'.
Length: 3'.
Weight: 462 Lbs.
Physical Strength: PS: 30.
Power System: Nuclear; 5 year average energy life.
Market/Black Market Cost: This unit type is rapidly growing in popularity among military market customers, due to the unit's versatility, strength, and low price. It can be purchased from S-Mart outlets for 1.5 million credits. Wa-Daisho does not produce enough of the "Kamiken" to sell, and are not permitted by the contract to do so anyways. There is a small amount of trade conducted by some high ranked players in a black market syndicate called "Midnight Blue" who do steal an occasional suit for sale to outside parties with a particular interest in the weapons and equipment of all of the Allied Nations.
Systems of Note:
Light Polarization Lense: This system automatically adjusts light filters to prevent the unit's pilot from being blinded by sudden explosions or blasts of light.
Infrared Optics: This allows the unit's pilot to see into the infrared spectrum of light, and differentiate heat sources up to 2,000' away.
Passive Nightvision: Allows the pilot of the unit to see up to 2,000' in the dark.
Image Enhancement: This permits a unit's pilot to zoom in on anything received on his/her optics system.
Telescopic Optics: This enhances a pilot's vision to 6,000'.
Thermal Optics: This allows a pilot to see heat sources and such so well, as to actually be able to see through small obstacles up to 2,000' away. (Maximum obstacle thickness of 30'.)
Laser Targeting and Combat Computer: This unit type uses a unique advanced laser targeting system that allows the pilot to use his/her weapons to pinpoint precision, at a +3 to strike.
Climbing Claws: These sturdy finger mounted blades are used for climbing any surface with an added measure of safety. They can however add the nasty element of cutting to the unit's brute force adding 1D6MD to all slash/punches and kicks.
Other Systems: This unit also has many of the other standard features of Power Armor listed in the main book including Environmental systems, Heat and Radiation Shielding, Heads Up Display, Radar (Increased to 50 mile range.), Military Radio (500 mile range.), and Targeting Computer.

Weapon Systems:
1.Rapid Fire Field Cannon-20 (RFFC-20): The RFFC-20 is one of the newest weapon types developed by the technicians at S-Mart. Like all RFFCs the "20" fires two 20 mm grenades, one a millisecond after the first, with traditional propellants, but is then accelerated through the barrel with an electromagnetic system not dissimilar to that of the ones used by the infamous rail guns. The "20" is a heavy hitter, yet is also light enough to be carried by the "Interceptor II/Kamiken" with ease.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Mega-Damage: 2D6x10MD per rapid fire dual shells.
Rate of Fire: Dual fired shells only.
Maximum Effective Range: 5,000'.
Payload: The "Interceptor II/Kamiken" carries a back mounted drum that contains 100 shells.
2.Laser Assault Cannons(2): These heavy forearm mounted laser cannons are powerful to say the least, but their only shortcoming is their extremely short range for such a heavy laser. Even still, they are excellent secondary weapons. They are the same type of weapons as used on the "Stinger" and "Stingray", and as such, their origins are the same. The Laser Assault Cannons are imported from Phase World!
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: 1D6x10MD per blast.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of combined hand to hand attacks.
Maximum Effective Range: 1,800'.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited; Thanks to the nuclear power supply.
3.Vibro-Katana: In keeping with the Samurai motif brought on by the republic's founder, Nyan Tamya, the S-Mart Techs felt that this would be a nice addition to the Wa-Daisho unit prototype. Even though the unit is no longer in it's prototype phase, the "Kamiken" (God's Sword.) just didn't seem the same without the powerful sword.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: 4D6MD.
Maximum Effective Range: Hand to Hand Combat.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited; Thanks to the nuclear power supply.
4. Hand to Hand Combat Abilities:
+2 attacks. (+1 attack at levels 4, 8, 12, and 15.)
+2 to strike.
+3 to strike with integral weapon systems. (In addition to standard bonuses, thanks to the laser targeting system.)
+3 to parry.
+4 to dodge.
+3 to roll with punch, fall, or impact.
Punch: 1D6MD (2D6MD with Claws extended.)
Kick: 2D6MD (3D6MD with Claws extended.)
Leap Kick: 4D6MD
Body Flip/Throw: 1D6MD
Body Block/Tackle: 2D6MD
Sword Slash: 4D6MD
Power Slash (With Sword): 1D4x10+8MD

�����The picture used above is available courtesy of R. Talsorian's "Cyberpunk 2020�" as seen in their now discontinued source book Maximum Metal. In the source book it is seen as the Arasaka Standard B, a power armor unit produced by a Japanese based company. This is by no means an attempt to steal the hard working efforts of R. Talsorian Inc's authors or artists, but merely used here as a means of utilizing interesting designs from their source materials, inside of Palladium Books' RIFTS.
����� A special thanks goes out to Marauder, who scanned this picture and provided it to me, only after many hours of begging and groveling. ;o)
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