S-Mart SM-PA14 "Vulcan" Power Armor
S-Mart SM-PA14 "Vulcan" Power Armor

      The "Vulcan" power armor unit is the first ever, mass produced construction type power armor, in the post apocalyptic age. In pre-rift times, construction power armor was just beginning to make it's debut, with major corporations in New York, Tokyo, Sydney, and Berlin purchasing them by the fleet.
      In today's market it is only likely that a few major governments will be purchasing them with 20-50 independent construction firms across North America also making purchases. In the Phase World market the "Vulcan" will be seen as one of a thousand varieties of construction power armor types, and isn't likely to be very popular, except for it's affordability.
      The "Vulcan" is a rather non descript unit of power armor built much along the same lines as the T-21 "Super Trooper" of Triax Industries. It's helmet design is much more simple looking more like the helmet of Urban Warrior body armor, and having a monocle device slightly above and to the right of the right side of the helmet. (This contains the Nightvision and Macrovision Optics, while the faceplate itself is the Polarization Filter.) It has a small tool bin in the middle of it's chest just above the stomach, and it's second tool bin is much larger, and is placed right above the "belt line" giving the Vulcan a slightly pudgy looking stomach. The legs are rather non descript, as are the upper arms. One of the design novels of the "Vulcan" is that it's lower arms are modular, meaning that either a standard forearm and hand may be attached, or one of many different tools may be attached (Welders, Bolt Guns, etc.) making the Vulcan very versatile in it's uses.

Model Type: SM-PA14.
Class: Civilian Construction Robotic Exo-Skeleton.
Crew: 1; This unit needs no field operatives to assist in it's operations since it is designed to handle the regular riggers of everyday construction tasks, with a possibility of long hours.
M.D.C. by Location:
    *Upper Arms(2)-25 each.
    Legs(2)-35 each.
    *Lower Arms(2; All Types)-35 each.
    Heavy Tools Suite-15.
    Light Tools Suite-10.
    **Main Body-115.
* These are small and difficult targets to hit, thus a penalty of -3 to strike will result in any actions taken against the designated areas.
** Depleting the MDC of the Main Body means that the power armor suit is in tatters.
Note: The "Vulcan" was NOT designed for any measure of combat! Although the suit was designed to absorb falls from great heights, it cannot handle mega-damage impacts like missiles, and rail gun rounds, nor is it designed to withstand and distribute energy blasts evenly as a normal Combat unit would. Therefore any damage taken in excess of 10 MDC from any of these weapons will see an 80% chance of causing 1D4 systems to shut down or malfunction. If more than 50 MDC is inflicted to the suit there is a 35%+5% chance per 1 MDC over 50 that all systems except the life support systems will shut down. (Life support systems will not shut down unless the MDC of the Main Body is depleted.)
Running Speed: 30 mph; Note that the act of running does tire out it's operator at 20% the normal fatigue rate.
Leaping: The powerful robotic legs can leap up to 20' high or across.
Maximum Flying Speed: Not possible; The "Vulcan" is simply not designed for the incorporation of a jet pack.
Maximum Swimming Speed: 4 mph using typical swimming motions, or the pilot may opt to run across the bottom at half the unit's running speed.
Maximum Safe Diving Depth: 150' maximum before the water pressure becomes too great for the environmental seals.
Statistical Data:
Height: 8'2"
Length: 4'5"
Width: 4'5"
Weight: 426 Lbs.
Cargo: The "Vulcan" has two bins that allows a PA operator to carry a variety of tools. The Heavy Tools Suite carries an assortment of large/power tools according to the type of job it will be required to do. The Light Tools Suite is usually there only as a place for light hand held tools, or tools for electronic work, depending once again on the given purpose for the suit. All the tools must be purchased separately from the suit, and are made available from Capos Industries.
Power System: Nuclear; Average Energy Life is 5 years.
Market Cost: S-mart made it a point to try to make this unit as desirable as possible to the fields of corporations that may want to use it, while also keeping the price low for the small time contractors that would want to purchase a "Vulcan" unit. This was accomplished by sacrificing unnecessary components which have come to be known as standard on combat types of power armor, and also by making the tools and attachments for specific construction jobs optional modular pieces! This suit is available at a low cost of 350,000 credits, and can only be purchased by bulk payments of the full amount. The Vulcan comes in gray, silver, construction orange, and gray with yellow and black stripes on arm and leg bands.

Systems of Note:
Light Sensitive Polarized Light Filters: This is not really an optic system, only an automated system that detects levels of light, and adjusts the tint of the visor according to the light. It is automatic meaning that it happens as soon as the light hits it, and clears as soon as the light clears. This prevents a working operative from being blinded by welders, bright sunlight, reflections, etc.
Nightvision: This special monocle allows the construction worker to see after dark, whether he/she is working after sun down, or on his/her way back to the storage garage/home (etc.) after a long day of work. It may be used up to 500'.
Macrovision: Attached to the same monocle device is a telescoping lense that allows the construction worker to magnify things he/she is working on. This allows the worker to see microscopic cracks in wood, plastic, ceramic, or metals, see imperfections in construction supplies, flaws in materials, etc. This macrovision optic system may only be used on objects up to 6' away.
Civilian Radio System: This allows a worker to keep in constant contact with his/her foreman and fellow construction workers. It has a range of up to 20 miles.
Shock Supressant Padding: This special padding system protects the worker from falls from up to 100'.
Electro-Magnetic Pads: Both bottom of the forearms and front of the foot plates are outfitted with these pads to allow the unit to climb metal surfaces with ease. It isn't so useful for architectural work, but for ship construction, and work on the chrome plated walls in Desert Star it does the trick.
Tethering Harness: This is a series of servo motor operated straps that can secure the suit to almost any surface.
Life Support Systems: The Vulcan does carry a life support system. Although it is not regularly in a situation where gasses or biological agents may be used as a weapon, it is used around chemicals and dusty environments regularly, which could be dangerous if the worker did not have such a filtration system. It filters all air the worker breaths, but if chemical fumes get too strong for the filter to effect it's separate air supply of 4 hours will begin supplying the worker with fresh air.
Modular Arms:
1. Standard Arms: 10,000 credits each.
2. Hydralic Sheer Arms: (Damage: 4D6MD) 6,000 credits each.
3. Hydralic Spreader Arms (Jaws of life style.): (Damage: 3D6MD) 6,000 credits each.
4. Plasma Torch Arms: (Damage: 6D6MD up to 6' away) 25,000 credits.
5. Bolt Gun Arms: (Damage: 2D4MD up to 100' away.) 8,000 credits.
6. Laser Torch Arms: (Damage: Variable Setting; 6D6SDC, 1D4MD, 3D6MD, 4D6MD, or 5D6MD.) 12,000 credits.
7. Buzz Saw Arms: (Damage: 3D6MD) 8,000 credits.
8. Chain Saw Arms: (Damage: 4D6MD) 10,000 credits.
9. Modular Standard Arm: (Just like the standard arm but has three electro magnetic clasps on the top that allow several small components to be attached.) 15,000 credits.

Modular Standard Arm Optional Components
1. Silicon Spray: (This tube like structure emits a spray of clear and sticky plastic glue that takes 24 hours to fully cure. It carries 6 Lbs of silicon.) 300 credits.
2. Epoxy Spray: (This tube like structure emits a spray of sticky resin, and a chemical to cause it to "kick" (ie harden). This spray will harden within five minutes. The tube carries 6 Lbs of the Resin & Bonding Agent.) 300 credits. Author's Note: From working with resin and the "bonding agent" (Methyl Ethyl Keytone), I can personally attest that these chemicals are HIGHLY flammable while they are not kicked/hardened. If the chemical is sprayed anywhere around a flame, it will likely cause the flame to combust the fumes and the chemical itself following the spray up to the cannister causing an explosion inflicting 2D4MD to everything within 10'. Enjoy and Beware!
3. Solder Emitter: (This thin tipped tube emits solder for electronic work. It carries approximately 3 Lbs of solder, and cools/hardens in a matter of a few minutes.) 300 credits.
4. Winch, Cable & Grapnel Launcher: (This spring loaded mechanism flings a grapnel attached to a high tension wire (can hold up to 1 and 1/4 tons!) a whopping 300'.) 2,000 credits.
5. Multi-Tool: (This circular, rotating device has an assortment of screwdriver heads, as well as an electronic adjusting wrench that uses small servo motors to operate the tools it carries.) 1,000 credits.
6. Laser Distancer: (1,000' range, links with the Heads up display on the suit's face plate.) 1,200 credits.
7. Fire Extinguisher: (This CO/2 foam dispenser is used to put out fires in sensitive areas. It has four uses in it's cartridge, and can extinguish a 6' area per use.) 2,000 credits.
8. Light Laser Welder: (Yet another variable setting laser torch; 6D6SDC, 1D4MD, or 1D6MD.) 8,000 credits.
9. Staple Gun: (Holds 3,000 staples.) 500 credits.

Note: The tools that fill up the tool bins tend to run about 25-50 thousand credits to fill, depending on the set purpose of the unit. Use common sense when trying to outfit this suit, if it's highly technical or has highly motorized tools involved then the price of the tools is going to be high.
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