Heavy Metal's RIFTS Page

      I have been playing RIFTS for seven years now. It's a cool game, but it does have it's flaws, namely a vauge magic system, and the "he who has a bigger gun wins," attitude. With all of this asside, I've had allot of fun with it, all of it, everything from the simple barfights, to saving the world.
      Over these seven years I have created several characters that have become some of the biggest bad asses in the RIFTS game. Among those are Jack Riley, a CS Glitterboy pilot (Level: 15), Jake Grasser, a Juicer from Kingsdale (Level: 9), Luke Guilfere (WildFire) (Level: 8), from our first Rifts world. In our second world I played, Jake Reed, a mercenary employed by the CS (Level: 8), Logan Nothwach, a powerful Apok from Wormwood (Level: 10), a Bloodletter (Level:8), and later a Cosmo Knight (Level: 4), El Tigre, a mutant siberian Tiger (Level: 5), and Nick Carrington, a Cyclone Pilot from the Macross II world (Level: 7).
      I haven't created much in the way of additions to the RIFTS game, but among those that I have may be found on Sir Tenzan's RIFTS Page.

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