The S-Mart SM-PA07 "Copperhead" Power Armor
S-Mart SM-PA07 "Copperhead" Allied Naval Fleet Power Armor

      The "Copperhead" was designed specifically for use by the ANF (Allied Naval Fleet, formerly known as the JNF or Joint Naval Force.) It's capabilities were sought after long before the power armor unit was actually designed by S-mart technicians. It's requirements were; heavy armor, deep sea diving capabilities, and a standardly issued heavy weapon, and a unique profile that can identify the Copperhead as a symbol of the Allied Naval Fleet. S-mart technicians soon came out with a design that looked much like the Triax Hopper Power Armor unit, accept the armor was obviously heavier, the body was widened, thereby increasing structural strength, and a mean experimental rifle was devised specifically for the new SM-PA07. A paint scheme was then developed, a light gray body, with a copper colored head and shoulder region. And thus it was dubbed the "Copperhead". The SM-PA07 is no longer in it's developmental stage, and there are nearly a thousand Copperheads currently in service throughout the Allied Naval Fleet.

Model Type: SM-PA07
Class: Armored Deep Sea Assault Unit
Crew: 1
M.D.C. by Location:
    Underwater Thruster Pack-120.
    Arms(2)-100 each.
    Legs(2)-200 each.
    SM-132(1; Carried)-85.
    *High Boost Vibro Sword-30.
    Forearm Pulse Blaster-35.
    **Main Body-350.
* These designated areas of the armor are small and difficult targets to hit, so therefore may only be struck with a penalty of -3 to strike.
** Once the MDC of the Copperhead is depleted, the armor is in tatters resulting in a total systems shut down. Unlike other suits of power armor the Copperhead has a special safety feature that results in several strategically placed panels all over the power armor to jettison, revealing sacks that fill up with air like a series of air bags. Unfortunately no systems are capable of remaining online to determine whether or not the suit is actually submerged or even anywhere near water. This has resulted in several embarrassing encounters where a Copperhead's main body has been depleted on a shore line assault, and resulting in the air bags inflating. This has earned the "Copperhead" the nickname of "Blowfish" and "Pufferfish" among non-power armor pilots.

Maximum Running Speed: 60 mph; Note that the act of running does tire out it's operator, but at 10% the usual fatigue rate.
Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap 20' high or across.
Maximum Flying Speed: Not Possible; Note that the only possible way a "Copperhead" would be able to fly is for a technician to remove the underwater thruster pack, and to replace it with a conventional jet pack. Even then the maximum flying speed of conventional jet packs would be reduced to a ponderous 60-90 mph.
Maximum Swimming Speed: 4 mph using typical swimming type motions; 40 mph with the underwater thruster pack.
Maximum Safe Diving Depth: 1.2 miles
Statistical Data:
Height: 8'
Width: 4'
Weight: 350 Lbs
Physical Strength: Equal to a PS of 40
Power Supply: Nuclear; 15 year power supply.
Cargo: None.
Market/Black Market Cost: S-Mart provides these ANF power armor units to Allied Nations at a cost of 2.5 million credits each. The black market has only managed to aquire four of these suits in the three years the "Copperheads" have been in service, and that was only when the transport plane carrying these suits to Wa-Daisho crashed due to technical problems, which was witnessed by a group of Bandits loosely affiliated with the Black Market. All four of these suits were sold to a mercenary company based out of Republican (Washington DC.) for a price of 5.8 million credits apiece!

Weapon Systems:
1. SM-132 High Intensity Blue Green Laser Rifle & Mini-Missile Launcher: This is the experimental rifle the technicians decided to outfit the unit with, and is the standard issue to all "Copperhead" power armor units. It combines a high intensity blue green laser rifle with a mini-missile launcher much like the rifle carried by the New Navy's Semper Fi. Since it's first construction, the SM-132 has proven itself to be a dependable and sturdy weapon, and thus is no longer in it's experimental stage.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personel.
Mega-Damage: Blue Green Laser: 1D6x10MD or Mini Torpedos/Missiles: 1D6x10MD.
Rate of Fire: For either weapon the rate of fire is equal to the power armor pilot's combined hand to hand attacks.
Maximum Effective Range: 4,000' or 1 mi.
Payload: The laser is unlimited thanks to the nuclear power supply, and the mini-missile launcher has a payload of 6 high explosive mini-torpedoes or plasma mini-missiles.
2. Forearm Pulse Laser: This weapon was installed so that the Power Armor pilot may have a secondary weapon system in case the SM-132 should fail while it was in it's experimental stage, or, as it is today, just to give him/her a greater variety of weapons.
Primary Purpose: Anti Armor.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: 3D6+6MD for single pulse or 1D6x10+10MD for a three round pulse.
Rate of Fire: Single shots or three round pulses only.
Maximum Effective Range: 2,000'
Payload: Effectively Unlimited; Thanks to the nuclear power supply.
3. Forearm High Boost Vibro Sword: This weapon is used when close quarter combat is inevitable. These weapons are a bit more advanced than standard types, this is accomplished by using a Carbon Crystal super conductor that is developed in the zero gravity environment so easily accessible in the Three Galaxies! This calibre of CCSC is not accessible by the CS , Triax or even The Japanese Republic, simply because at this current time none of the three have any kind of anti gravity technology, nor do they have any form of industry in a gravitationally deprived environment, so therefore it is theoretically impossible for them to create a flawless crystal, without the assistance of a Crystal Smith or Stone Master.
Mega-Damage: 4D6MD
4. Hand to Hand Combat Abilities:
+1 attack at level 1; +1 additional attack at levels 4, 8, 12, and 15.
+2 to strike
+3 to parry
+3 to dodge
+4 to roll with punch, fall, or impact.
Punch: 2D6MD
Kick: 2D6MD
Leap Kick: 4D6MD
Body Flip/Throw: 2D6MD
Body Block/Tackle: 3D6MD
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