Dalmirian RCC Dalmirian R.C.C.

By Edward May.

      The Dalmirian's are native to an alternate dimension remotely attached to the RIFTS world. They are a pale blue skinned race of D-Bees with a cartilage like bone structure. Their race is notorious for disgusting displays of flexibility including, bending arms or legs in odd directions, and retracting limbs to make them smaller than their actual size. Another interesting aspect about their chemical makup is that unlike Earth based life, they have developed using the typical human byproduct of respiration, Carbon Dioxide. (This attests to their bodies bluish color.)

Alignment: Any; but most tend to be proud and honest. (This should not be mistaken for Arrogance, but extreme cases do exist.)
Natural Abilities: Extreme Flexibility and Nightvision 60'.
Appearance: Light Blue Skinned humanoid D-Bees, of anywhere from 5'-7' height, and of a light build. Their natural hair colors range from gold, silver, to light blue. Eye color is typically gold, cobalt blue, or bright green. Another interesting aspect about Dalmirians is that they are not capable of growing facial hair and aquire no genital hair at puberty.(As with humans Dalmirians can dye hair, and wear contacts to disguise some of these unusual characteristics, but little can be done for the skin color.)
Common Ailments: Internal Arm and Leg cramping, digestive disorders (If the foods are too greasy or spicy.), strained tendons, and muscles.
Life Span: 200 Dalmirian Years. (Roughly 1,200 human years!)

Attributes: I.Q.: 3D6, M.E.: 3D6, M.A.: 4D6, P.S.: 3D6, P.P.: 5D6, P.E.: 2D6, P.B.: 5D6, Spd: 3D6.

P.P.E.: 2D6x10!! (Their race has a natural aptitude for magic, however see below.)
H.P.: Standard PE +1D6 Per level.
S.D.C.: Non men at arms: 4D6, Adventurers/Rouges: 6D6, and 1D6x10 for men at arms.
Tech Level: Varies; Their race was once a high tech space faring race, until their technologies, joined with magic nearly destroyed their world. With this in mind, each sub-sequent ruler has tried to gradually rid themselves of certain technologies, such as mass destruction weapons, and any attempt to use magic in conjunction with technology. About ten years ago, the Dalmirian sun went supernova when an unusual mystical anomaly inside of their sun occured. Their race has survived their planets fate, as they had contact with Earth for about 5 years before that, and litterally thousands of those who did not believe in the retro-technology psychology each sub-sequent ruler had tried to force onto them, made their way to Earth. A large portion of these now live in Desert Star. For an optional Phase World Campaign use, see Campaign Note below.
Magic: As mentioned previously, the magic on Dalmir has made this race natural mages. However since the great wars the use of magic has been altogether banned on Dalmir, in an attempt to destroy this races link with magic. With their high PPE levels small explosive devices which slew hundreds would be the equivelent of hundreds of thousands of humans being slain! This in conjunction with an anomaly in Dalmir's ley line system, (Oddly enough Dalmir appears to be a dimension where the weave of the fabric of time and space does not appear to be as strong as those found in other dimensions, some have speculated that this may be the lingering result of one of the dreaded weapons used by waring factions when this planet was populated by a culture dominated by an ancient form of techno-wizard.) makes even minor mass destruction weapons a possible doomsday weapon!!
Campaign Note: If it suits the game master, the Dalmirian home planet of Dalmir may actually be found deep into the Anvil Galaxy, a freak of nature in itself. It would then however be a lost world, forgotten to any who live in the Three Galaxies, and it's destruction being completely unknown. While several of the ancient Dalmirian Colonies found scattered across the Three Galaxies continue to search for their fabled homeworld. It is not likely that the colonies will play a major role in the politics of the Three Galaxies, however. The technology for these colonies should be at least equal to that of the Three Galaxies, with much of their designs patterned after Dragons, and with a focas on speed and agility, but with weapons the equivalent of many of those found in the Three Galaxies. They will very likely also have heavy use in magic, but combine it more efficiently with technology than ANY of the Techno-Wizard communities in the known Megaverse, it being considered standard knowledge.
Psionics: Standard.
Skills: Common Skills to the Dalmirian's are Math Basic, Dalmirian/Literacy Dalmirian, and their respective career skills.
OCCs: Vegabond, Wilderness Scout, Dragonguard (Equal to a Royal Knight, and are considered the elite guards of the Emperor.), if native to Dalmir. If they originate on Earth or elsewhere, they may be just about any OCC (Use common sense.), there is a remote possibility that they may somehow have become users of magic if they were not taught the ways of their people.
Cybernetics/Bionics: These will be avoided like the plauge! Unless it is some form of prostetic to replace a damaged or missing limb. They are simply too proud of their bodies and natural abilities to surender it to all that metal.

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